Comparative studies of petroleum geological conditions in key basins offshore Argentina and exploration recommendations
Abstract:Argentina is rich in oil and gas resources and superior in fiscal and tax terms. Large foreign oil companies and Chinese oil companies cooperate with Argentina in oil and gas exploration, which is suitable for China's overseas oil and gas exploration investment. The 13 basins in the Argentine offshore can be divided into the southern basin group and the northern basin group by transformation faults. The southern basins gradually evolved into foreland basin on the basis of the early rift basin, while the northern basins gradually evolved into passive continental margin basin on the basis of the early rift basin. Due to different basin types and tectonic evolution, the northern and southern basins have different characteristics in structural characteristics, sedimentary characteristics and hydrocarbon accumulation conditions. We have known more and more about the petroleum geological conditions of the Argentine offshore basins through the comparison research on tectonic evolution, hydrocarbon, reservoir, seal, trap and hydrocarbon distribution features of the northern and southern basins. The study shows that the petroleum geological conditions in southern foreland basins are better than the northern passive continental margin basins. Further analysis indicates that the Malvinas Basin has relatively good exploration potential because of its lower exploration degree, proven petroleum system. It is assumed that the central and southern part of Malvinas Basin with favorable structural belts, may be the petroleum exploration focus in the future.
图 1 阿根廷海域主要盆地及已发现油气分布饼图[3]
Figure 1.
图 2 中生代以来南美洲构造及沉积演化史图[5]
Figure 2.
图 3 圣豪尔赫盆地下白垩统D-129组烃源岩地球化学特征[20]
Figure 3.
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