Distribution and origination of heavy metal pollution in bays of northern Hainan Island
Abstract:Hainan Island has been developing rapidly in recent years. Accompanied with the development of social economy, various degrees of heavy metal pollution has become an issue of pollution to the sea areas around the Hainan Island especially in the bays to the north of the island. To better understand the heavy metal pollution at present in those bays, surface sediments were sampled in Puqian Bay, Chengmai Bay, Houshui Bay, and Yangpu Bay in 2019. According to the China’s national standard on marine sediment quality (GB18668—2002), using multiple parameters including the index of geo-accumulation (Igeo), contamination factor (Cf), the degree of contamination (Cd), and ecological risk factor (Er), the heavy metal pollution status in different those bays were evaluated. Results show that arsenic (As) was the common heavy metal pollutant among the bays. The pollution status in Chengmai Bay and Puqian Bay were relatively more serious than in Yangpu Bay. Anthropogenic activities such as fuel combustion by marine vessels, fertilizer application, and waste water discharge from mining could cause different levels of heavy metal pollution. Countermeasures shall be taken for the environmental protection by the local managements to prevent and control heavy metal pollution in the bays to the north of Hainan Island.
表 1 重金属分析方法及检出限
Table 1. Analytical methods and detection limits of different heavy metals
项目 检出限/(mg/kg) 分析方法 检测仪器 Zn 1 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 电感耦合等离子体质谱仪/7900 ICP-MS Cu 0.6 Pb 2 Cd 0.09 Cr 2 Hg 0.002 微波消解/原子荧光法 原子荧光分光光度计/
AFS-930As 0.01 表 2 各海湾重金属平均含量对比
Table 2. Average heavy metal concentration in different bays
μg/g 位置 Cu Pb Zn Cd Cr Hg As 文献 铺前湾 12.04 23.08 57.68 0.04 39.44 0.06 26.37 本文 澄迈湾 13.62 24.71 66.18 0.03 41.12 0.07 28.45 后水湾 17.21 28.56 86.45 0.07 64.16 0.10 19.89 洋浦湾 6.71 23.96 59.24 0.04 39.45 0.04 15.18 东寨港 3.60 10.59 33.25 0.01 - - 16.81 [7] 三亚湾 8.92 20.61 29.13 0.06 45.76 0.02 9.70 [8] 海南东部陆架 29.40 19.20 81.40 0.19 57.30 - 7.60 [14] 海南河流沉积物 33.35 43.44 102.10 0.33 56.48 0.05 8.79 [4] 注:“-”为无数据 表 3 我国海洋沉积物重金属质量标准(根据GB18668—2002)
Table 3. China’s national standard (GB18668—2002) on marine sediment quality for heavy metal
10−6 项目 第1类 第2类 第3类 Hg 0.2 0.5 1 Cd 0.5 1.5 5 Pb 60 130 250 Zn 150 350 600 Cu 35 100 200 Cr 80 150 270 As 20 65 93 Igeo 污染程度 Igeo≤0 无 0<Igeo≤1 轻度—中度 1<Igeo≤2 中度 2<Igeo≤3 中度—强 3<Igeo≤4 强 4<Igeo≤5 强—极严重 5<Igeo≤10 极严重 表 5 Cf污染程度分级[19]
Table 5. The pollution levels of Cf
Cf 污染程度 1 ≤Cf < 3 中等 3 ≤Cf< 6 较严重 Cf≥6 非常严重 表 6 Cd污染程度分级[19]
Table 6. The pollution levels of Cd
Cd 污染程度 Cd <7 低污染 7≤ Cd <14 中等程度污染 14≤ Cd <28 污染较严重 Cd ≥ 28 重度污染 Er 生态风险 Er < 40 轻微 40 ≤ Er < 80 中等 80 ≤ Er < 160 强 160 ≤ Er < 320 很强 Er ≥ 320 极强 表 8 铺前湾重金属及平均粒径Mz主成分分析
Table 8. The Principal Component Analysis of heavy metals and the mean particle size in the Puqian Bay
重金属 主成分1 Cu 0.97 Pb 0.95 Zn 0.96 Cd 0.74 Cr 0.94 Hg 0.99 As 0.79 Mz 0.87 -
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