Distribution and ecological risks assessment of heavy metals in surface soils in the areas south of Laizhou Bay
基于莱州湾以南地区1 600个点位表层土壤样品调查数据,分析其 8种重金属元素的分布特征、来源、生态风险及污染状况。研究结果表明:莱州湾以南表层土壤8种重金属平均质量浓度由大到小依次为Cr>Zn>Ni>Pb >Cu>As>Cd>Hg;重金属高值区主要分布于中西部、西部和西南部地区,东部、东南部和东北部地区相对较低,北部地区含量最低;土壤pH值展示出从南向北升高的趋势。单因子平均污染指数大小顺序为 Ni>As>Cr>Zn>Cu>Cd>Pb>Hg;重金属元素的单因子平均污染指数均<0.7,污染水平属于清洁。单因子潜在生态危害指数依次为Hg>Cd>As>Pb>Cu>Ni>Cr>Zn。研究区大部分区域为低潜在生态风险程度区,中、重及严重潜在生态风险程度区则呈点状、零星分布。土壤重金属元素主要受地质背景控制;其次,人类活动,包括农业生产中化肥和农药的使用,化工、矿山等行业排放的污水以及汽车尾气、轮胎磨损等,也是重金属重要来源。必须加强对莱州湾南部重点地区重金属元素的监测和预警,制定出针对性的治理和修复措施,保证该地区不受重金属污染的威胁。
Abstract:Based on the survey data of surface soil obtained from 1 600 sampling sites in the land areas south of the Laizhou Bay, we analyzed the spatial characteristics, sources, ecological risks, and pollution status of 8 heavy metals. Results show that, in terms of concentration, the 8 elements followed an order of Cr > Zn> Ni> Pb> Cu > As> Cd> Hg. The high-value of heavy metals distribute in the mid-west, west, and southwest of the studied area, and the values are lower in the east, southeast and northeast, and the lowest in the north. The pH value of the soil reveals a rising trend from south to north. Single-factor pollution index of the 8 elements followed an order of Ni > As> Cr > Zn >Cu > Cd > Pb > Hg. The average of single-factor pollution index of the 8 elements are all lower than 0.7, indicating the clean level in China’s national standard of environmental pollution. In terms of the single-factor potential ecological risks, the 8 elements followed an order of Hg>Cd>As>Pb>Cu>Ni>Cr>Zn. Most of the studied areas are of low potential ecological risks. The areas of middle, heavy, and serious potential ecological risks are of punctate or sporadic distribution. The heavy metals in the surface soil were controlled by the geological background in the first place. Next, the heavy metals were brought in by human activities such as chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals from agricultural activities and from sewage of local chemical industry and mining, and automobile exhaustion and tire wear. Therefore, it is essential to intensify monitoring and early-warning of heavy metal pollution in the land areas south of Laizhou Bay, and work out case-specific control and remediation measures, to ensure the studied area free from heavy metal pollution.
Key words:
- soil /
- heavy metals /
- ecological risks assessment /
- south of Laizhou Bay
表 1 重金属的背景参考值和毒性系数[24]
Table 1. Background values and toxicity coefficient of the heavy minerals[24]
Cu Pb Zn Ni Cr As Cd Hg Cin/10−6 21.2 22.9 58.4 26.8 65.2 7.7 0.114 0.032 Tir 5 5 1 5 2 10 30 40 表 2 污染程度和潜在生态危害程度的评价指标
Table 2. The evaluation index to the degree of pollution and potential ecological risks
Cif 单因子污染程度 Eir 单因子生态危害程度 ERI 综合潜在生态风险程度 <1 低 <40 低 <150 低 1~3 中等 40~80 中等 150~300 中等 3~6 重 80~160 较重 300~600 重 ≥6 严重 160~320 重 ≥600 严重 ≥320 严重 表 3 莱州湾以南表层土壤重金属元素含量统计表及背景值
Table 3. Statistics and background values of heavy metals concentration in soils of the areas south of the Laizhou Bay
指标 最大值 最小值 平均值 标准偏差 变异系数 表层土壤背景值 潍坊市 山东省 全国 Cu 149.50 0.30 21.1 7.79 0.37 21.2 24 24 Pb 245.30 11.00 24.7 4.47 0.18 22.9 25.8 23 Zn 4271.20 13.30 67.7 20.71 0.31 58.4 63.5 68 Ni 227.70 8.10 25.5 6.20 0.24 26.8 25.8 26 Cr 413.20 30.10 75.6 13.89 0.18 65.2 66 65 As 21.65 2.41 9.8 2.47 0.25 7.7 9.3 10 Cd 4.05 0.04 0.09 0.02 0.22 0.114 0.084 0.09 Hg 1604.30 2.91 0.026 11.73 0.46 0.032 0.019 0.04 pH 9.85 4.00 7.57 0.69 0.09 7.43 7.7 / 注:/ 为无数据,表中元素含量单位均为×10−6, pH无量纲。潍坊市背景值引自[24];山东省背景值引[25];全国背景值引自[26]. 表 4 莱州湾以南表层土壤重金属含量相关性分析
Table 4. Correlation in heavy metal concentration in soils of the areas south of the Laizhou Bay
Cu Pb Zn Ni Cr As Cd Hg pH Cu 1 Pb 0.300** 1 Zn 0.254** 0.253** 1 Ni 0.471** 0.109** 0.096** 1 Cr 0.399** 0.143** 0.112** 0.741** 1 As 0.248** 0.219** 0.084** 0.092** 0.054* 1 Cd 0.243** 0.238** 0.995** 0.073** 0.093** 0.074** 1 Hg 0.125** 0.084** 0.045 0.029 0.030 0.095** 0.048 1 pH −0.070** −0.103** −0.011 −0.130** −0.096** 0.024 −0.013 0.007 1 注:** 表示 0.01 水平(双侧)上显著相关,* 表示 0.05 水平(双侧)上显著相关。 表 5 莱州湾以南表层土壤重金属单因子污染指数
Table 5. Single-factor pollution index of heavy metal in soils of the study area south of the Laizhou Bay
Cu Pb Zn Ni Cr As Cd Hg 平均值 0.25 0.08 0.27 0.51 0.36 0.37 0.20 0.05 最大值 2.04 0.98 14.24 4.55 1.80 0.87 6.75 1.60 最小值 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.14 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.00 标准差 0.15 0.04 0.38 0.29 0.16 0.11 0.20 0.09 表 6 土壤重金属综合污染指数评价[27]
Table 6. The evaluation index of composite pollution index of heavy metals in soil[27]
等级 内梅罗指数 污染等级 样点数 比例/% I P≤0.7 清洁(安全) 1 489 93.0 II 0.7<P≤1.0 尚清洁(警戒线) 55 3.4 III 1.0<P≤2.0 轻度污染 52 3.2 IV 2.0<P≤3.0 中度污染 3 0.2 V P>3.0 重污染 2 0.1 表 7 莱州湾以南表层土壤重金属单因子潜在生态危害指数
Table 7. Potential ecological risks indicated by heavy metal single-factor indices in soils of the areas south of the Laizhou Bay
重金属 平均值 最大值 最小值 样点分布比例/% Eir<40 40≤Eir<80 80≤Eir<160 160≤Eir<320 Eir>320 低危害 中等危害 较高危害 高危害 极高危害 Cu 5.35 35.26 0.07 100 0 0 0 0 Pb 5.76 53.56 2.40 99.9 0.1 0 0 0 Zn 1.31 73.14 0.23 99.9 0.1 0 0 0 Ni 5.31 42.48 1.51 99.9 0.1 0 0 0 Cr 2.54 12.67 0.92 100 0 0 0 0 As 12.72 28.12 3.13 100 0 0 0 0 Cd 25.69 1 066.51 9.79 95.9 3.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 Hg 43.55 2 005.37 3.63 69.6 23.4 4.9 1.3 0.8 表 8 土壤重金属综合潜在生态风险指数
Table 8. Synthesis potential ecological risks of heavy metal indices in the soil
等级 综合潜在生态危害指数 危害程度 样点数/n 比例 主要污染元素 I ERI<150 低 1478 92.38 Hg、Cd II 150≤ERI<300 中等 100 6.25 Pb、Zn、Ni、Hg、Cd III 300≤ERI<600 重 13 0.81 Hg、Cd IV ERI≥600 严重 9 0.56 Hg、Cd -
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