Non-tidal bathymetry in the open sea with GNSS-PPP/INS tight combination mode
为实现高精度远海水深测量潮位改正,基于GNSS/INS组合系统开展了远海多波束无验潮水深测量方法研究,并给出了无验潮水深测量基本原理及实施技术流程。结合GNSS/INS组合形式及滤波原理,分别探讨了在GNSS有效和失效状态下PPP/INS松组合与紧组合的性能差异。以PPP/INS紧组合解算结果为基础进行无验潮水深测量改正,并与传统预报潮位改正方法进行了对比,经试验验证,基于PPP/INS紧组合模式下的远海无验潮水深测量准确度可达0.14 m,并有效消除了动态吃水影响,在典型水深断面处的水深测量准确度明显优于预报潮位改正模式。
- 全球导航卫星系统 /
- 惯性导航系统 /
- PPP/INS紧组合 /
- 无验潮水深测量
Abstract:To realize tidal correction for ocean bathymetry, an ocean multibeam non-tidal bathymetry method was applied based on a combined system of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS), and the basic principles and procedures of the non-tidal bathymetry are presented. Considering the form and filtering principle of the GNSS/INS system, differences in performance between PPP/INS loose combination and tight combination under valid or invalid state of GNSS were discussed. The outcome of the PPP/INS tight combination were used to correct the non-tidal bathymetry and compared with that of the traditional tidal correction method. It was verified that the accuracy of the non-tidal bathymetry in the PPP/INS tight combination mode could reach 0.14 m, and the influence of dynamic draft could be effectively eliminated, which improved the accuracy in open sea multibeam bathymetry and in bathymetric survey at the typical water depth section, performing obviously better than the predicted tide correction model.
表 1 相关性统计表
Table 1. Statistics of correlation coefficient
统计方案 相关系数 松组合-PPP 0.986 紧组合-PPP 0.997 松组合-紧组合 0.988 表 2 GNSS失效时松/紧组合高程精度统计
Table 2. Statistics in elevation accuracy between loose and tight combination in case of GNSS failure
/m 对比方案 绝对值最大值 均值 标准差 松组合-PPP 2.97 −0.02 0.20 紧组合-PPP 0.38 0.02 0.13 表 3 典型水深断面重合点水深不符情况统计
Table 3. Statistics in inconsistent water depth at coincidence points of typical water depth section
/m 对比方案 中误差 绝对值最大值 原始水深 1.25 2.06 预报潮位改正 0.13 0.43 无验潮模式 0.08 0.26 表 4 重叠区内重合点水深不符情况统计
Table 4. Statistics in the inconsistent water depth at coincidence points in the overlapping area
对比方案 统计项 水深不符值范围/m 合计 中误差/m 0~0.5 0.5~1.0 >1.0 预报潮位改正 个数 9 336 192 2 9 530 0.15 百分比 97.96% 2.02% 0.02% 100% 无验潮模式 个数 9 366 164 0 9 530 0.14 百分比 98.28% 1.72% 0 100% -
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