Impacts of Binhai Port construction on offshore water and sediment transportation along the abandoned Yellow River mouth
以废黄河三角洲海岸盐城市滨海港的建设为背景,通过建立二维潮流泥沙数学模型,模拟建港前后水动力场环境与泥沙运移变化,分析滨海港建设对近海水沙的影响。南北堤建成后,流速变化主要集中在防波堤建设区域15 m等深线以内海域,变化量为−0.8~0.5 m/s。北堤堤头流速增幅明显,除大潮落急外港区均处在流速减小区,流速衰减幅度最高可达0.6 m/s。建港工程造成海域内潮汐不规则性减弱,主要分潮的平均振幅比降低约10%。建港工程对近海地貌格局的影响集中在港区周围8 km范围,且基本在16 m等深线以内海域,淤积区域分布在港区口门周围,冲刷区域分布在北堤堤头,床面变化随着时间推移加剧。
Abstract:Taking the Binhai Port in the old Yellow River Delta as the background, a two-dimensional hydro-sediment model was established to simulate the changes in hydrodynamics and sediment transport due to the port construction. Results indicate the changes of tidal current velocity after the breakwater completion was from −0.8 to 0.5 m/s and concentrated mainly within 15 m isobath near breakwater construction area. The flow velocity at the head of the north breakwater increased significantly. The port area was featured with flow velocity reduction for as much as 0.6 m/s except for the ebb stage of spring tide. The port construction weakened the tidal irregularity as average amplitude of main tidal components was reduced by about 10%. The impact of the port construction on the offshore geomorphic evolution was concentrated within 8 km around the port and within the 16 m isobath areas. The head of the north breakwater was severely eroded, while sediment siltation was distributed mostly at the harbor entrance.
表 1 模型验证的相关性系数和技能得分
Table 1. Correlation coefficient and skill score of model validation
大模型潮位 小模型潮位 小模型流速 小模型流向 CC 0.97 (连云港)
0.97(日照)0.89 0.85(点1)
0.62(点2)SS 0.91(连云港)
0.94(日照)0.79 0.58(点1)
0.71(点2)表 2 废黄河口区域特征点T值
Table 2. The T-value of feature points in the old Yellow River mouth area
特征点 建港工程前 建港工程后 变化量 变化率 T值 T值 1 0.516 0.459 0.057 −10.98% 2 0.519 0.457 0.063 −12.11% 3 0.521 0.462 0.059 −11.36% 4 0.514 0.459 0.054 −10.59% 5 0.503 0.450 0.054 −10.66% 6 0.542 0.479 0.063 −11.54% 7 0.540 0.476 0.064 −11.90% 8 0.565 0.502 0.063 −11.18% 9 0.536 0.479 0.056 −10.53% 10 0.514 0.464 0.049 −9.59% 11 0.510 0.464 0.046 −8.93% 12 0.593 0.528 0.065 −10.89% 13 0.551 0.493 0.058 −10.57% 14 0.506 0.463 0.044 −8.61% 15 0.507 0.465 0.043 −8.40% 16 0.517 0.475 0.042 −8.13% 17 0.613 0.550 0.063 −10.30% 18 0.648 0.583 0.065 −9.99% 19 0.631 0.566 0.065 −10.37% 20 0.592 0.535 0.057 −9.62% 21 0.569 0.526 0.044 −7.70% -
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