Geological conditions and prospects of carbon dioxide storage in the Cenozoic saline water layers of the East China Sea Shelf Basin
Abstract:At present, geological bodies that can be used to store carbon dioxide include deep saline water layer, depleted oil and gas fields, basalts, etc. The deep saline water layer is widely distributed in most sedimentary basins in the world, has the advantages of large storage capacity, mature technology, high security, and low cost, and is an important carbon dioxide storage geological body. Compared with land areas, a carbon storage in sea areas has the advantages of large storage potential, high safety, small environmental impact, and long storage period, and is an important way to achieve the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". The East China Sea Shelf Basin has a large area and high structural stability. It is a sub-cold–sub-hot basin. The carbon storage target layer is thick and widely distributed, and has good geological conditions for carbon dioxide storage in saline water layer. Furthermore, the engineering conditions for geological storage of carbon dioxide in saline water layers are mature. Among the oil and gas basins in China’s maritime area, the suitability for geological storage of carbon dioxide in saline water layers in the East China Sea Shelf Basin is great. After comprehensively considering the parameters that affect the evaluation of carbon dioxide geological storage prospects, such as the degree of exploration and development, regional structural stability, geothermal conditions, geological storage material conditions in saline carbon dioxide layers, and geological storage engineering implementation conditions, the prospects for carbon dioxide storage in each zones were evaluated. Results show that the prospects for carbon dioxide storage are the best in Taipei Depression and Zhedong Depression, and they are suitable for geological storage of carbon dioxide, followed by the Changjiang Depression and Haijiao Uplift that and can be used as candidates for carbon dioxide geological storage.
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