Numerical analysis of damage and disturbance effect of surrounding rocks induced by deep tunnel blast excavation
现阶段,不同地应力条件下深部岩体受爆破作用的损伤破坏分析尚显不足。为了研究深部隧道围岩爆破开挖损伤破坏规律,基于有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,采用Riedel-Hiermaier-Thoma本构模型,对不同地应力环境下隧道爆破效果影响因素、围岩扰动范围等问题进行数值分析。结果表明:双向等压隧道的断面损伤程度与地应力水平呈负相关;随着地应力上升,地应力对隧道底板的损伤抑制作用渐为明显;隧道腰部围岩受爆破扰动较为突出,其应力和振动速度均随侧压力系数增大而大幅升高,且振动速度增幅超过40%,明显高于顶部围岩;在垂直应力20 MPa条件下,腰部测点应力、振动速度幅值随侧压力系数增加而增大的趋势较缓;当垂直应力升高至60 MPa时,侧压力系数对围岩扰动的影响较大。相关结论对实际工程施工具有重要指导意义,同时对隧道围岩稳定性监测与支护参数优化具有一定参考价值。
Abstract:The damage and failure analysis of deep rock mass subjected to blasting under different crustal stress conditions is still insufficient at present. To explore the damage and failure law of surrounding rocks of deep tunnel during blasting excavation, based on the finite element software ANSYS/LS-DYNA, the Riedel-Hiermaier-Thoma constitutive model is adopted to carry out numerical analysis on the influencing factors of tunnel blasting effect and surrounding rock disturbance range under different crustal stress environments. The results show that the cross-section damage degree of the bidirectional isobaric tunnel is negatively correlated with the geostress level. With the increasing geostress, the damage of the tunnel floor is more significantly suppressed by geostress. The surrounding rocks at the waist of the tunnel is prominently disturbed by blasting, and its stress and vibration velocity increase significantly with the increasing lateral pressure coefficient, and the vibration velocity increases by more than 40%, much higher than that of the top surrounding rocks. Under the vertical stress of 20 MPa, the amplitudes of stress and vibration velocity at the waist measuring point increase slowly with the increasing lateral pressure coefficient. When the vertical stress rises to 60 MPa, the lateral pressure coefficient has a great influence on the disturbance of surrounding rocks. The relevant conclusions obtained are of important guiding significance for actual engineering construction, and are of certain reference value for monitoring the stability of tunnel surrounding rocks and optimizing support parameters.
Key words:
- deep tunnel /
- blast excavation /
- surrounding rock /
- disturbance and damage /
- numerical simulation
表 1 堵塞材料主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of the stemmed material
参数 密度
/GPa泊松比 A0 A1 A2 Pc 取值 1 800 0.064 0.3 3.4×10−13 7.03×10−7 0.3 −6.9×10−8 注:A0、A1、A2为屈服函数常量;Pc为拉伸压力切断值。 表 2 炸药的主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of explosive
炸药参数 密度/(kg·m−3) 爆速/(m∙s−1) A/Pa R1 R2 E0/(J·m−3) 取值 1 500 7 450 6.25×1011 5.25 1.6 0.086×1011 表 3 空气材料主要参数
Table 3. Main parameters of air
空气参数 ρ0/(kg·m−3) C4 C5 E/(J∙m−3) 取值 1.2 0.4 0.4 2.5×105 表 4 大理岩RHT主要参数
Table 4. Main parameters of the marble RHT model
大理岩参数 密度/(kg· m−3) 弹性模量/GPa B0 B1 T1/GPa T2/GPa A N fc/MPa 取值 2763 12.43 0.9 0.9 46.72 0 1.65 0.56 130 大理岩参数 $f_{\rm{s}}^*$ $f_{\rm{t}}^* $ Q0 B E0C/s−1 E0T/s−1 EC/s−1 ET/s−1 βc 取值 0.25 0.1 0.0105 0.7 3.0×10–5 3.0×10–6 3.0×1025 3.0×1025 0.009756 大理岩参数 βt $g_{\rm{c}}^* $ $g_{\rm{t}}^* $ ξ D1 D2 $\varepsilon_{\rm{p}}^{\rm{m}} $ Af Nf 取值 0.01333 0.78 0.7 0.44 0.037 1 0.01 1.59 0.62 大理岩参数 A1/GPa A2/GPa A3/GPa Pcrush/MPa Pcomp/GPa Np α0 取值 46.72 42.05 –4.32 43.33 6 4 1.078 注:B0、B1、T1、T2为状态方程参数;A、N为失效面参数;fc为抗压强度; $f_{\rm{s}}^* $ 、$f_{\rm{t}}^* $ 为相对抗压、抗拉强度;Q0、B为Lode角相关系数;E0C、E0T为参考压缩、拉伸应变率;EC、ET为压缩、拉伸应变率;βc、βt为压缩、拉伸应变率指数;$ g_{\rm{c}}^*$ 、$g_{\rm{t}}^* $ 为压缩、拉伸屈服面参数;ξ为剪切模量折减系数;D1、D2为损伤参数;$\varepsilon_{\rm{p}}^{\rm{m}} $ 为最小损伤残余应变;Af、Nf为剩余表面参数;A1、A2、A3为Hugoniot系数;Pcrush、Pcomp为挤压、压实强度;Np为孔隙指数;α0为孔隙度。 -
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