Hydrogeochemical characteristics and hydrothermal genesis model of the fracture zone in the southeastern foothills of Taihang Mountains
太行山东南麓断裂带发育,赋存丰富的中低温地热资源,然而,该地区深部地热水的水热成因模式依然不清楚。通过55组地热水和38组浅层地下水的水化学组分特征,研究离子组分来源及其运移规律,并借助同位素特征分析地热水补给来源,在此基础上分析深部热储的水岩平衡状态、热储温度和热循环深度。结果表明:研究区属对流—传导复合型地热系统,地热水整体处于氧化环境,离子组分以${\mathrm{HCO}}_3^- $和Na+为主,主要受盐岩和碳酸盐岩等矿物的溶解及阳离子交替吸附作用控制;地热水的补给高程为1 010~1 153 m,表明地热水补给区位于太行山东南麓西部的太行山地区;地热水循环深度范围为1 125~4 468 m;混合比例法估算汤阴断陷深层热储温度达到110~160 °C,而汤阴断陷东部的内黄凸起地区为80~110 °C,二者热储温度差别源自汤阴断陷两侧深切地幔的汤东、汤西深大断裂导热导水条件良好,以及内黄凸起的基岩埋深较浅,上伏盖层薄,热能更容易散失。本研究揭示了太行山东南麓地热系统的水文地球化学特征和水热成因模式,为该区地热资源开发利用提供重要依据。
Abstract:The fracture zone in the southeast foothills of the Taihang Mountains is well developed and endowed with abundant medium and low temperature geothermal resources. However, the hydrothermal genesis pattern of deep geothermal water in this area remains unclear. Based on the hydrochemical composition characteristics of 55 geothermal water and 38 shallow groundwater, this study analyzed the source and migration law of ion components, and the recharge source of geothermal water leveraging isotope characteristics. On this basis, the water-rock equilibrium state, temperature, and depth of thermal cycle of deep thermal reservoirs were revealed. The results show that the study area is a convective-conducting composite geothermal system, and the geothermal waters as a whole are in an oxidizing environment, with the ionic fractions dominated by ${\mathrm{HCO}}_3^- $ and Na+, which are mainly controlled by the dissolution of minerals, such as salt rock and carbonate, as well as by the cation exchange. Furthermore, the recharge elevation of the geothermal water ranges from 1 010 to 1 153 m, which indicates that the recharge area of the geothermal water is located in the western part of the Taihang Mountains. The depth of the circulation ranges from 1 125 to 4 468 m. The estimation of the mixing ratio method indicates that the temperature of the deep thermal storage of the Tangyin Rift reaches 110 to 160 °C, while that of the Neihuang Uplift is 80 to 110 °C. The difference in thermal reservoir temperature is caused by the good conditions of heat and water conductivity of Tangdong and Tangxi deep faults on both sides of the Tangyin fault, and the shallow buried depth of bedrock of the Neihuang Uplift with the thin overlying cap rock, which makes the heat energy more easily dissipated. The study reveals the hydrogeochemical characteristics and hydrothermal genesis model of the geothermal system at the southeastern foot of Taihang Mountain and provides a important basis for the exploitation and utilization of geothermal resources in this area.
表 1 地热流体水化学及同位素分析结果[15]
Table 1. Water chemistry and isotopic values of the hydrothermal fluids
分区 编号 水化学类型 pH 离子质量浓度/(mg·L−1) 同位素含量/‰ K++Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− ${\mathrm{SO}}_4^{2-} $ ${\mathrm{HCO}}_3^- $ H2SiO3 TDS δD δ18O 1 DR-15 Cl•SO4—Na 8.06 920.31 70.76 21.77 1061.20 637.50 221.32 25.06 2843 DR-16 Cl—Na 8.01 727.83 58.46 23.56 808.86 367.00 306.32 30.37 2164 DR-21 HCO3•SO4—Na•Ca 8.29 84.98 64.20 30.20 32.58 171.00 282.46 25.25 547 DR-23 Cl•SO4—Na 8.39 616.78 154.41 5.65 670.32 641.44 35.21 80.47 2106 DR-43 Cl•SO4—Na 8.07 638.34 33.57 14.90 642.03 360.75 332.01 25.06 1875 DR-47 Cl•HCO3—Na 7.70 627.50 26.55 9.45 699.11 234.39 337.01 24.74 1796 DR-48 Cl•SO4—Na 7.67 909.78 43.47 13.20 961.12 506.72 351.60 29.80 2634 2 DR-14 HCO3•SO4—Na 8.70 281.51 8.41 1.42 119.89 171.00 336.89 28.50 793 DR-17 Cl•SO4—Na 7.88 1023.64 108.80 21.96 1191.80 665.00 172.44 28.39 3120 DR-18 Cl•SO4—Na 7.78 1121.64 132.16 31.82 1274.90 948.45 120.51 26.16 3591 DR-19 Cl•SO4—Na 7.78 1028.65 123.65 14.23 1178.32 745.32 121.85 28.15 3028 DR-20 Cl•HCO3—Na 8.26 519.31 17.48 5.38 465.28 182.50 358.92 35.88 1307 DR-22 Cl•SO4—Na 7.50 1021.00 120.00 22.23 1164.00 833.42 162.01 58.03 3289 DR-26 HCO3•Cl—Na 8.15 401.37 10.02 6.08 240.71 205.57 474.13 1377 DR-27 Cl•SO4—Na 7.60 970.00 122.24 13.97 1087.96 816.51 116.55 3184 DR-32 Cl—Na 7.15 1120.27 66.12 15.04 1365.00 505.60 256.40 26.00 3222 −76.0 −10.00 3 DR-28 HCO3—Na 7.88 434.29 10.00 6.53 204.80 146.30 602.60 1404 DR-30 Cl—Na 7.11 1309.03 102.50 29.07 1628.00 612.10 317.50 26.00 3861 −75.0 −10.00 DR-31 SO4•Cl—Na 7.28 858.79 92.56 18.04 606.00 980.40 244.20 25.40 2699 4 DR-12 HCO3•Cl—Na 8.39 292.95 21.09 9.28 187.18 109.50 437.76 29.17 862 DR-13 HCO3—Na 8.38 265.94 6.35 1.61 123.47 125.00 358.92 30.47 725 DR-24 HCO3—Na 8.10 194.25 11.02 5.47 76.57 72.53 350.25 975 DR-25 HCO3—Na 7.90 201.72 12.42 7.53 87.21 84.05 353.92 770 DR-29 Cl—Na 7.60 915.50 109.38 6.79 1072.20 186.84 129.42 25.69 1293 5 DR-42 HCO3•SO4—Na 8.24 208.91 15.87 9.75 47.22 167.14 369.29 24.10 652 DR-44 Cl•SO4—Na 7.56 267.42 83.61 11.70 305.05 260.08 160.79 68.51 1061 DR-45 Cl—Na 7.61 1160.30 109.50 32.30 1519.80 556.28 233.58 30.49 3518 DR-46 Cl•SO4—Na 7.50 872.02 144.90 6.52 1123.20 591.30 58.64 59.30 2773 DR-49 Cl•SO4—Na 7.95 937.00 119.00 4.63 1274.60 466.23 56.26 44.62 2864 DR-50 Cl•SO4—Na 7.92 1069.70 105.10 3.58 1288.20 664.16 36.67 85.15 3216 DR-51 Cl•SO4—Na 7.86 790.30 102.90 11.20 961.03 472.09 39.24 2360 DR-52 Cl•SO4—Na 7.90 1126.04 91.58 16.10 1329.38 628.71 215.40 35.10 3440 6 DR-54 HCO3—Na•Ca 6.32 888.57 411.42 109.47 39.35 627.75 2716 74.75 4857 −74.8 −10.30 DR-55 HCO3—Na•Ca 6.89 793.20 486.20 147.40 586.40 598.50 2008 67.07 4699 7 DR-01 Cl—Na 7.54 1150.80 86.56 3.17 1674.30 299.69 137.48 29.33 3306 −71.43 −9.67 DR-02 Cl—Na 7.72 957.98 53.77 1.61 1301.90 259.74 131.19 31.36 2665 −71.97 −9.85 DR-03 Cl—Na 7.93 578.81 20.18 1.61 681.67 207.14 198.07 28.44 1612 −73.38 −10.18 DR-04 HCO3—Na 7.44 336.00 7.06 12.99 58.32 157.50 695.93 28.03 942 −77.77 −10.56 DR-05 Cl—Na 8.36 1605.88 89.53 3.98 2150.40 623.04 38.75 17.76 4507 DR-06 Cl—Na 7.42 1763.31 158.59 5.30 2814.60 297.65 76.21 30.16 5104 DR-07 Cl—Na 7.70 1819.60 242.30 10.70 2638.90 792.01 68.34 33.80 5608 DR-08 SO4•Cl—Na 7.90 978.09 47.70 4.74 835.56 959.64 111.67 32.50 2965 DR-09 Cl—Na 7.90 943.22 51.30 8.51 1319.45 274.25 124.48 22.10 2741 DR-10 Cl—Na 8.20 542.19 14.03 2.43 613.64 246.39 166.58 31.20 1612 DR-11 Cl•SO4—Na 7.93 1098.70 96.60 2.90 1395.40 609.50 100.10 3257 8 DR-33 SO4•HCO3—Ca•Na 7.78 45.93 59.40 7.34 42.19 144.95 86.09 DR-34 HCO3•SO4—Ca 11.22 117.13 22.75 19.78 118.39 314.56 462 DR-35 Cl•HCO3—Na 996.50 11.26 3.17 956.90 235.15 682.51 2556 DR-36 HCO3•SO4—Na 447.83 5.61 3.28 44.92 266.47 706.25 1157 DR-37 HCO3•Cl—Na 904.00 5.01 8.20 726.16 50.38 874.29 2178 DR-38 HCO3•SO4—Na 335.00 58.10 47.33 55.59 494.85 636.32 1332 DR-39 HCO3•SO4—Ca 11.78 120.22 21.79 19.64 123.63 317.85 465 DR-40 HCO3•SO4—Ca•Na 7.50 49.56 80.44 27.19 47.61 134.10 234.26 DR-41 HCO3—Na 8.02 136.57 46.33 19.50 17.58 24.50 540.55 DR-53 HCO3—Ca•Na 6.30 246.80 379.00 64.20 79.00 439.00 1310 47.00 2650 表 2 研究区地热水和浅层地下水特征系数
Table 2. The characteristic coefficient of geothermal water and shallow groundwater in the study area
特征系数 地热水 浅层地下水 1区 2区 3区 4区 5区 6区 7区 8区 Ⅰ区 Ⅱ区 Ⅲ区 脱硫系数 92 53 67 54 66 628 42 301 264 130 96 盐化系数 8.18 9.77 4.55 3.27 24.94 0.26 30.05 0.57 0.15 0.29 0.30 表 3 地热温标法估算的部分热储温度
Table 3. Partial thermal reservoir temperature estimated by geothermometer
井点 出水
温度/°C估算热储温度/°C 石英 玉髓 Na-K K-Mg DR-01 54 78.48 133.03 69.16 65.96 DR-05 52 59.04 107.31 70.39 71.78 DR-09 50 67.24 118.11 79.44 56.67 DR-10 43 81.03 136.44 72.54 54.39 DR-22 70 108.89 174.17 132.36 74.03 DR-30 52 73.60 126.54 104.06 63.25 DR-42 40 70.60 122.56 95.85 33.29 DR-48 47 79.13 133.90 75.33 49.10 DR-49 63 96.57 157.38 122.53 86.47 DR-52 54 86.00 143.11 90.00 59.28 DR-53 46 98.95 160.60 281.44 74.76 DR-54 118 121.56 191.63 707.12 147.90 DR-55 103 116.03 183.99 683.23 138.04 表 4 研究区地热水循环深度
Table 4. The circulation depth of geothermal water in the study area
分区 井点 井深
深度/m1 DR-43 1127 43.1 40 2.20 1268 DR-48 1270 49.1 47 2.50 1354 2 DR-22 1300 74.0 70 4.24 1394 DR-32 1430 64.1 55 2.79 1756 3 DR-28 1200 52.3 49 2.82 1317 DR-30 1400 63.2 52 2.63 1826 4 DR-12 1000 43.1 40 2.48 1125 DR-13 1400 55.1 52 2.63 1518 5 DR-45 1401 55.5 40 1.76 2282 DR-52 1378 59.2 54 2.82 1562 6 DR-54 3276 121.5 118 3.14 3387 DR-55 3318 116.0 103 2.65 3809 7 DR-01 1600 65.9 54 2.42 2091 DR-05 1504 71.7 52 2.45 2309 8 DR-37 1530 76.25 57 2.77 2234 DR-53 2302 74.76 46 1.33 4468 -
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