摘要: 对南京周家山下蜀黄土-古土壤的研究发现,色度参数与其他参数对应关系良好,如亮度(L*)值与有机质含量明显正相关;红度(a*)值与氧化铁含量也有着显著相关性。与西北黄土相比,下蜀黄土经历了较强的风化作用。在其他指标不能很好地记录气候变化和土壤发育的情况下,色度参数可以发展成为一种可靠且简便的古环境研究的潜在替代性指标。在周家山地区,L*值受到土壤中有机质含量的影响较大,碳酸盐由于发生了较强的淋溶而对L*值影响不大。a*值受土壤中Fe元素含量的直接影响,对环境变化的响应更为敏感。黄度(b*)值在本区域对气候响应程度有限。Abstract: The study of Nanjing Xiashu loess in Zhoujiashan area suggests that Chroma parameters have significant correlation with other parameters of the loess. Brightness (L*) increases with the organic content and Redness (a*) has significant correlation with iron oxide content. Compared with the northwest China loess, Xiashu loess may have experienced stronger weathering. As the results, some conventional indicators used in loess cannot perfectly record the climate change and soil development in the Xiashu loess. However, the chroma parameters can become an accurate and sensitive potential alternative to record the environment change. In Zhoujiashan area, Both the brightness (L*) and redness (a*) are the sensitive response to environment changes. The response of Yellowness (b*) to environment change is limited in this area.
Key words:
- the Xiashu Loess /
- Zhoujiashan /
- chroma /
- environment change
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