摘要: 河漫滩沉积是河流洪水漫滩时形成的沉积,是流域环境研究的重要载体。近年来,与河漫滩沉积相关的环境研究涉及流域环境演变、古洪水、环境考古以及流域环境污染和流域环境背景等领域。回顾了20世纪80年代以来河漫滩沉积与环境研究的主要进展,着重从河漫滩沉积的多样性和沉积特征、河漫滩沉积多环境指标的意义、河漫滩沉积在古洪水和流域环境污染研究中的应用进行了综述和分析,认为河漫滩沉积具有多样性和复杂性,河漫滩沉积在古洪水研究和流域环境污染方面取得了大量研究成果,今后应加强河漫滩沉积与气候变化、河漫滩沉积特征与物质来源的研究,我国河流众多,区域差异明显,河漫滩沉积与环境具有引人关注的研究前景。Abstract: The river overbank deposits are of critical importance for the research of the watershed environment. In recent years, researches of the watershed environment based on overbank deposits have involved the evolution of watershed environment, paleoflood, environmental archaeology, and the pollution history and environmental background of the watershed. In this paper, the main progress in the research of the overbank sediments and related depositional environment since the nineteen-eighties are reviewed. Emphases are given to the summeries and analysises on the diversity and depositional characteristics of overbank deposits, multi-environmental proxies and their significances, overbank deposits and related paleoflooding deposits, and the relation between overbank flooding and environmental pollution. The results show that the overbank deposits are quite complicated and diverse, and great achievements have been made in the research of paleoflood and watershed environmental pollution recorded by the overbank deposits. In the future, more attention should be payed to the fields of overbank deposits and related climate change, the characteristic and origin of the overbank deposits. As there are numberous rivers with clearly regional differences, the researches of the overbank deposits and sedimentary environment in China are promising.
Key words:
- river overbank sediments /
- diversity /
- sedimentation characteristics /
- paleoflood
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