Abstract:The stability of sediments is closely related to sediment compaction in deepwater basins. Facts suggest that uneven compaction of sediments may trigger serious geodisasters in deepwater, such as submarine landslides, shallow gas and shallow water flow, which may bring about serious impacts on the security of the drilling operation by leakages, blowouts, platform instability and even collapse. We analyzed in this paper the well-logging data of the ODP Leg 184 Sites 1144, 1146, 1148 and the IODP Leg 349 Sites U1431, U1432, U1433, U1435, and found the relationships between the normal compaction and the sediments composition, sedimentation rates and burial depth etc. Taking the deepwater basin of the South China Sea as examples. Established upon the research are the primary relationship of the coefficients of normal compaction and mudline porosity with depth in deepwater basin of the South China Sea. The results could be used as a reference for geohazards researches, especially for the overpressured geohazards in deepwater.
表 1 各站位钻井沉积物正常压实层段孔隙度与深度(泥海底线以下)拟合结果
Table 1. Fitted results of porosity and depth (below the mudline) in normal compaction sediments at all Sites
站位 水深/m 拟合深度/m 压实系数 初始孔隙度 R2 1144 2 037 450 0.000 755 547 0.584 485 608 0.815 559 1146 2 092 170 0.002 213 826 0.674 115 233 0.912 179 1148 3 246 460 0.001 374 514 0.584 401 796 0.912 126 U1431 4 237 500 0.000 888 844 0.565 614 573 0.636 038 U1432 3 829 120 0.003 646 652 0.649 199 6 0.705 043 U1433 4 379 700 0.000 621 063 0.535 213 818 0.675 121 U1435 3 252 300 0.003 301 695 0.497 459 197 0.718 408 表 2 各站位钻井深度100 m以上沉积物正常压实孔隙度与深度(海底泥线以下)拟合结果
Table 2. Fitted results of porosity and depth (below the mudline) in 100 m drilling depth at all Sites
站位 水深/m 拟合深度/m 压实系数c 初始孔隙度ϕ0 R2 数据量 1144 2 037 100 0.002 175 931 0.635 431 987 0.871 93 73 1146 2 092 100 0.001 566 811 0.656 554 092 0.771 10 54 1148 3 246 100 0.003 514 827 0.667 174 148 0.919 59 53 U1431 4 237 100 0.002 630 228 0.639 528 484 0.480 00 71 U1432 3 829 100 0.003 993 244 0.656 653 229 0.677 15 57 U1433 4 379 100 0.002 860 513 0.625 794 137 0.542 06 57 U1435 3 252 100 0.009 452 971 0.775 503 404 0.552 29 21 -
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