Abstract:Significant progresses have been made so far for understanding of the occurrence, distribution and characteristics of natural gas hydrate, and a series of gas production tests from the permafrost and marine hydrate deposits have been carried out all over the world. However, the gas hydrate exploitation is still facing severe scientific challenges. Based on a general review of the global gas hydrate exploration and exploitation, this paper expounded the gas hydrate reservoir classification and geological controlling factors, and put forward four aspects of scientific challenges for the effective economic exploitation, including the resource evaluation, exploitation method and technology, reservoir geological parameters and engineering geological risks. In order to realize the effective economic exploitation of gas hydrate, the resource evaluation is the foundation, and the exploitation method and technology is the key. To determine whether the gas hydrate reservoir can be exploited requires the accurate reservoir geological parameters, and whether the effective exploitation can be realized depends on the control of engineering geological risks.
图 2 天然气水合物资源量和储量关系图[51]
Figure 2.
图 3 天然气水合物开采能量效率与成本在不同时期的变化趋势[62]
Figure 3.
图 4 开发过程中能量的投入与产出比EROI指标与累计产量的关系[64]
Figure 4.
表 1 全球陆地永久冻土带和海洋中的天然气水合物资源量
Table 1. Global estimates of in-situ gas hydrates resources hydrated methane in the permafrost and the ocean
全球资源量/1015 m3 永久冻土带中的资源量/1014 m3 海洋中的资源量/1016 m3 资料来源 30.057 0.57 0.3 Trofimuk等, 1981[10] 301 0.31 30.1 McIver, 1981[11] 7 634 340 760 Dobrynin等, 1981[12] 15 — — Makogon, 1981[13] 10.1 1.0 1.0 Makogon, 1988[14] 1 573 — — Cherskiy等, 1982[15] 5.057~25.057 0.57 0.5-2.5 Trofimuk等, 1977[16] 40 — — Kvenvolden和Claypool, 1988[17] 20 24 1.76 Kvenvolden, 1988[18] 20 7.4 2.1 MacDonald, 1990[19] 26.4 — — Gornitz和Fung, 1994[20] 45.4 — — Harvey和Huang, 1995[21] 1 0.57 0.3 Ginsburg和Soloviev, 1995[22] 6.8 — — Holbrook等, 1996[23] 15 — — Makogon, 1997[24] 2.5 — — Milkov, 2004[25] 120 440 7.6 Jeffery等, 2005[26] 表 2 全球天然气水合物试采情况
Table 2. Gas hydrate production tests in the world
时间和地点 试采目标 试采方法 试采状况 天然气水合物赋存特征 2002年,加拿大麦肯齐三角洲 尝试直接从含水合物储层中开采天然气,忽略下伏游离气 加热法,注热盐水,温度高于50 ℃ 125 h,产气468 m3,试验结束后仍产气48 m3 A层段砂岩(892~930 m),渗透率0.1 mD。储层初始温压8.7~9.0 MPa,5.9~6.3 ℃,孔隙度32%~38%,水合物饱和度高达80%[32, 33] 2007年,加拿大麦肯齐三角洲 降压法 12.5 h,产气830 m3, 由于出砂被迫中止 B层段砂岩、粉砂岩互层(942~993 m),渗透率0.01-0.1 mD。储层初始温压9.3~9.7 MPa,7.2~8.3 ℃,孔隙度30%~40%,水合物饱和度40%~80%[34-37] 2008年,加拿大麦肯齐三角洲 降压法 6 d,累计产气1.3万m3, 平均日产2 000~4 000 m3/d C层段砂质粉砂岩(1 070~1 107 m), 渗透率0.1 mD。储层初始温压10.4~10.8 MPa,10.6~12.0 ℃,孔隙度30%~40%,水合物饱和度80%~90%[36, 37] 2012年,美国阿拉斯加北坡Ignik Sikumi 研究CO2-CH4水合物置换开采方法和效率 CO2水合物置换法,13 d,注入4 587 m3N2+1 360 m3CO2(1 420 psia) 5周,累计产气28 300 m3, 平均产气4 955 m3/d,绝大多数N2被回收, CO2回收不到50% 水合物赋存518.2~731.5 m深度范围内的C、D两个砂体层位,其中C层段水合物厚14 m,水合物饱和度75%,水饱和度25%,无游离气,预流体试验测得含水合物储层渗透率0.12~0.17 mD[38-40] 2013年,日本南海海槽 海域砂质水合物储层试采 降压法 6 d,累计产气11.9万m3, 平均日产约2万m3/d 砂质沉积物渗透率1~1 500 mD,水深857~1 405 m赋存深度约300 mbsf,孔隙度39%,水合物饱和度68%[7, 41-45] 2017年,南海海槽 降压法 12 d,累计产气3.5万m3 降压法 24 d,累计产气20万m3 2017,中国南海神狐海域 海域细粒泥质粉砂水合物储层试采 流体抽取法 60 d,累计产气30.9万m3,平均日产5 151 m3 水深1 266 m,水合物赋存深度203~277 mbsf,粉砂质黏土、黏土质粉砂,渗透率0.2~20 mD, 水合物饱和度30%~50%[46] -
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