Abstract:The eventual aim of gas hydrate research is to develop and utilize the hydrate resource effectively, that is to achieve long-term exploitation safely and efficiently. Gas hydrate production test is just the first step towards this destination. In the last several decades, great achievements for gas hydrate exploitation method studies have been made by laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, which have laid a solid foundation for gas hydrate production test. In the permafrost areas, the gas hydrate production tests were carried out by the US, Japan and Canada in the Mallik program at the Mackenzie Delta, and the U.S. in the North Slope of Alaska, respectively. The results provide some valuable experiences for gas production from marine gas hydrate. In 2013 and 2015, Japan and China carried out successfully the marine gas hydrate production tests in different sea areas respectively, suggesting landmark achievements in gas hydrate researches. It indicates that the study of gas hydrate exploitation technology has changed gradually from laboratory simulation to field practice. In this paper, we reviewed the principles and the experimental results for various gas hydrate exploitation methods, introduced briefly the numerical simulation methods and their progresses, discussed the key technology preparation required for gas hydrate production tests and the field practice effect. We also discussed the limitation and challenges faced by each method. Some advices were presented on the science and technology issues of gas production of marine gas hydrate resources.
图 1 天然气水合物开采方法示意图[2]
Figure 1.
表 1 天然气水合物试采和出砂与防砂情况
Table 1. Overview of sand production and sand mamagement status during hydrate exploitation
试采井位 防砂方式 效果 加拿大Mallik 5L-38(2002) 防砂机械筛管防砂 有砂产出 加拿大Mallik 2L-38(2007) 射孔完井,未防砂 出砂造成ESP损坏 加拿大Mallik 2L-38(2008) 机械筛管防砂;泵入口加防砂网 有砂产出 美国阿拉斯加(2012) 机械筛管防砂 有砂产出 日本AT1-P(2013) 裸眼砾石充填防砂 出砂造成ESP损坏,试采终止 日本2017-001* 先期膨胀GeoForm筛管 防砂失败,井筒砂埋 日本2017-002* 井下膨胀GeoForm筛管 效果较好 *日本2017年海域天然气水合物试采两口井的具体站位数据目前暂未见报道,因此, 采用2017-001、2017-002代替。 表 2 历次天然气水合物试采产气量对比
Table 2. Comparison of gas productivity for previous hydrate exploitation tests
年份 所在区域 试采框体 储层类型 试采方法 生产持续时间 累产气量/m3 2002 加拿大麦肯齐三角洲 Mallik site 冻土区砂砾层 注热 5 days 516 2007 降压 12.5 hours 830 2007-2008 降压 139 hours 13 000 2007 阿拉斯加北坡 Mt. Elbert Well 降压 11 hours - 2012 IgnikSikumi CO2置换 6 weeks 24 085 2013 日本南海海槽 第二渥美海丘边缘 海洋中粗砂储层 降压 6 days 120 000 2017(01) 12 days 35 000 2017(02) 24 days 240 000 2017 中国南海北部 神狐海域 海洋黏土质粉砂储层 流体抽取法 60 days 309 000 -
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