Magnetic susceptibility of aeolian sediments deposited since Holocene in the East of Qinghai Lake and its environmental implications
Abstract:Magnetic susceptibility is an efficient indicator to the intensity of pedogenesis and depositional environment for a loess-palaeosol sequence under the Asian monsoon. However, its paleoclimatic implications still need to be revealed for an aeolian-sand-palaeosol sequence. Within the time framework established by AMS 14C and OSL dating, we studied the magnetic susceptibility characteristics of the aeolian deposits to the east of the Qinghai Lake. Taking the traditional pedogenetic indicators used in soil sciences as references, we found that the magnetic susceptibility is closely related to the intensity of soil development in the sandy land to the East of Qinghai Lake. The results show that: (1) The highest magnetic susceptibility occurs in the palaeosol layer, followed by the weakly developed palaeosol and the aeolian sand. Compared to χlf, χfd% is more efficient to reflect environmental changes; (2) The variation in magnetic susceptibility exhibits a positive correlation with pedogenesis, and is positively correlated with the content of clay and silt; (3) On the basis of comprehensive analysis, the climatic change in Qinghai Lake since Holocene could be divided into three main phases as follows: Before 10kaBP, the climate was cold and dry and the weathering process weaker. In the period of 10~8.5 kaBP, the climate turned to warm and wet. Optimum period took place from 8.5 kaBP to 4 kaBP, while the climate was warm and humid and the aeolian activity was weakened and pedogenesis became stronger. The climate was colder and drier between 4 to 1.3 kaBP. There possibly existed an abrupt climate cooling event during 3.1~2.4 kaBP. Since1.3 kaBP, the climate became colder and drier further and similar to the modern climate.
Key words:
- magnetic susceptibility /
- environmental change /
- pedogenesis /
- Holocene /
- Qinghai Lake
图 1 湖东沙地风成沉积剖面位置(KTS、HYW、KTE、KTN剖面引自文献[18])
Figure 1.
表 1 CGE、QHH和HLD剖面AMS14C测年结果及校正年代
Table 1. AMS14C dating results from the CGE, QHH and HLD profiles
样品编号 实验室编号 深度/cm 13C/12C比值 14C年龄/aBP 校正年龄/cal.aBP CGE-C-00a Beta-422379 234~236 -21.9 1970±30 1990~1870(1930±60) CGE-C-01a Beta-422380 280~282 -24.1 3690±30 4145~3930(4038±107) CGE-C-05a Beta-422381 360~362 -23.2 7210±30 8040~7965(8002±37) QHH-C-01 Beta-422375 85~87 -20.8 2080±30 2130~1950(2040±90) QHH-C-02 Beta-422376 120~122 -22.5 3030±30 3340~3160(3250±90) QHH-C-06 Beta-422377 180~182 -23.8 4230±30 4850~4710(4780±70) QHH-C-13 Beta-422378 270~272 -23.2 7910±30 8970~8605(8788±182) HLD-C-01 CG-7223 45~55 -25 4140±75 4444~4843(4643±199) 表 2 HLD剖面OSL测年结果
Table 2. OSL dating results from HLD profile
样品编号 深度/cm U/×10-6 Th/×10-6 K/% 等效剂量/Gy 年剂量/(Gy/ka) 含水量/% 年龄/ka HLD-01 85~90 1.53±0.07 5.70±0.2 1.34±0.05 19.31±1.50 2.28±0.06 1.7 8.5±0.7 表 3 频率磁化率χfd%与其他指标的相关性检验
Table 3. Correlation between χfd% and other indexes
指标 <2μm 2~63μm >63μm c/f2μm χlf/(10-8m3·kg-1) CGE 0.548** 0.201** -0.235** -0.386** 0.358** QHH 0.750** 0.851** -0.85** -0.706** 0.554** 注:**p<0.01 -
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