Sediment records and their paleoceanographic implications in the upwelling area of the southwestern South China Sea during the last 140, 000 years
对南海西南部现代上升流区沉积物柱样BIS-187-61孔有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸盐等各沉积组分进行了详细的分析,试图探讨末次间冰期(MIS 5)以来南海西南部夏季上升流影响区沉积过程及其所反映的海洋环境变化过程。研究结果发现,140kaBP以来该孔沉积记录期总体表现为:碳酸盐百分含量冰期低间冰期高,主要受周边陆源物质输入稀释的控制,为典型的“大西洋型碳酸盐旋回”,有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸钙以及陆源沉积物的堆积速率均在MIS 2期、MIS 4期和MIS 5e期出现高值。其中,MIS 2期和MIS 4期生源和陆源沉积堆积速率增加可能与冰期时冬季风增强及海平面下降导致陆源营养物质输入增加对初级生产力的刺激有关,也可能与陆源物质输入增加对海洋生源颗粒物输出的压载作用增强有关。而MIS 5e期南海海平面高度与现代相仿,间冰期较强的夏季风引起的越南沿岸上升流增强是导致该时段本研究区域表层初级生产力增强,沉积物总堆积速率及各组分堆积速率都相应增加的主要原因。
Abstract:Main sediment components in the modern upwelling area of the southwestern South China Sea during the last 140, 000 years were analyzed for a gravity core retrieved by the SONNE 187 cruise in 2006, aiming to reveal the marine environmental changes in the southwestern South China Sea since the last interglacial. During the last 140, 000 years, the mass percent of carbonate was generally high in interglacial but low in glacial periods, as the typical "Atlantic type of carbonate", suggesting strong influences of the terrestrial input in the southwestern South China Sea. Relatively high accumulation rate of organic carbon, biogenic opal and lithogenic components was found in MIS 2 and MIS 4, related to the enhanced primary productivity provoked by the increase in terrestrial input nutrients, as a result of strengthened winter monsoon and the decline of sea level during the ice age; It might also be related to the enhanced ballast effect of the lithogenic matters of sinking particles during the ice age. At the peak of the last interglacial period (MIS 5e), strengthened upwelling off Vietnam coast induced by stronger summer monsoon was responsible for the increase in primary productivity and accumulation of both biogenic and lithogenic sediments.
Key words:
- upwelling /
- biogenic sediment /
- terrestrial input /
- Last Interglacial period /
- South China Sea
图 7 间冰期(a)和冰期(b)时南海地形地貌[25],及末次间冰期以来全球海平面的平均变化(c)
Figure 7.
表 1 南海不同海域的第四纪古生产力特征
Table 1. Characteristics of the reconstructed productivity in different areas in the SCS
位置 站位 北纬 东经 指标 变化特征 可能的影响因素 参考文献 南海
北部17928 18°9′36″ 119°26′24″ 底栖有孔虫丰度 末次冰期和MIS 6
输入量增加[31] 17937 19°30′ 117°39.9′ 沉积物中有机碳的含
量及不同有机碳比值生产力在MIS 2期
较高冰期冬季风强化, 海水混合程
度加强, 营养物质利用更充分
物质增加[32] 南海
西部17954 14°48′ 111°31′48″ Ba/(Zr+Rb)值底栖
MIS 3期最大夏季风增强,上升流发育,带
来大量营养物质[33, 34] MD05-2901 14°13′12″ 110°26′24″ 生源组分、颗石藻丰度 冰期生产力高间冰
产力的提高[35, 36] BIS-187-61 11°25.5′ 111°17.0′ 有机碳通量、蛋白石通
物质增多促进生产力提高本研究 南海
南部ODP1143 9°12′36″ 113°10′12″ 蛋白石百分含量及其堆积
强,上升流增强,营养物质增加[21, 22] MD05-2896 8°29′24″ 111°15′36″ Ba/Al比值 间冰期生产力高,
MIS 3期生产力较
强,陆源有机物质输入增多[37] -
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