Discussion on the sources and mechanism of supersaturated methane in euphotic seawater
Abstract:Methane supersaturation occurs widely in the euphotic zone of oceans, especially in the areas with natural gas hydrate. It is closely related to atmospheric methane emission and global greenhouse effect due to the proximity of the sea-air interface. Up to date, it remains controversy concerning the source of supersaturated methane in euphotic seawater. This paper focuses on synthesizing the previous research results in order to sort out the sources of supersaturated methane, summarizing the influencing factors of supersaturated methane formation, and further exploring the mechanism of methane metabolism that in-situ microbes may participate in. The sources of supersaturated methane in euphotic zone may be transported from sediments, near-rivers or generated by in-situ microbes, and affected by various factors such as region, season, nutrient, and biological activities. Due to the influence of oxygen, the particularity of methanogenic mechanism is showed in euphotic seawater. Currently, it is speculated that conventional methanogenic pathways may be still performed by microorganisms, which exist in the micro-anaerobic environment of seawater, or generate the ability of resistance to oxygen; in addition, microorganisms may also choose new methanogenic pathways that are not sensitive to oxygen. Therefore, for the methane supersaturation phenomenon in euphotic seawater in natural gas hydrate area, the study of the sources and metabolic mechanisms of methane was carried out. It was hoped to provide theoretical support for the environmental assessment of gas hydrate test mining and development, and provide a theoretical basis for exploring the impact of seawater methane on the atmosphere and global climate.
Key words:
- euphotic zone /
- supersaturated methane /
- methane sources /
- methanogenic archaea
表 1 真光层海水甲烷过饱和现象的实例
Table 1. Examples of methane supersaturation in euphotic zone of the ocean
位置 海域甲烷分布 真光层过饱和甲烷浓度 参考文献 东、黄海 春季表层海水中溶解甲烷浓度自沿岸向外海里呈逐渐降低趋势,在长江口外甲烷浓度呈明显的舌状分布 黄海表层甲烷春季为3.43±0.23 nM;东海表层甲烷
春季为3.24±0.59 nM,夏季为12.8±14.0 nM[27] 南海北部 从珠江口到外海表层海水甲烷浓度逐渐降低 表层甲烷浓度为2.4~5.9 nM,过饱和度达134%~297% [26] 易北河口及相邻的
共同影响海岸附近的甲烷平均浓度为30±13 nM、外海浓度为
14±6 nM[28] 南海北部陆坡天然气水合物区 不同季节,表层海水甲烷浓度变化较大 部分季节上层100 m甲烷浓度过饱和,高达20~30 nM [9] 亚热带北太平洋 表层海水甲烷浓度与季节无明显关系 表层海水(<300 m)甲烷浓度2~3 nM,
甲烷通量达到1.6 μmol·m−2·d−1[29] 北极洋大陆架西伯利亚东部海域 超过50%水域的表层海水甲烷过饱和 表层海水浓度范围是0~200 nM [22] 波罗的海中部哥特兰盆地 东部水域甲烷偏高,受极地水输入的影响 东部水域表层海水甲烷浓度与大气甲烷平衡(~3 nM),而浅层海水(20~40 m)浓度达15~77 nM [30] 极地陆架区域斯图尔峡湾 表层海水和次表层海水的甲烷互不影响 水体甲烷浓度范围是5~55 nM [31] 智利中部大陆架 甲烷浓度可能受风力驱动的沿海上升流影响 表层海水(0~30 m)甲烷饱和度为125%~550%
(O2饱和度>100%)[32] 弗拉姆海峡西部区域 寡营养的北部极地水输入,甲烷浓度偏高 水体浅表层(<20 m)表层甲烷浓度范围是6~9 nM [7] 黑海 研究区域位于冷泉区,甲烷浓度随深度逐渐升高 近表层甲烷浓度约为5 nM [5] 波罗的海 表层海水盐度偏低,从底层到表层溶解甲烷浓度
呈梯度下降表层甲烷浓度约为4 nM [6] 表 2 存活于有氧环境下产甲烷古菌类群
Table 2. The surviving methanogenic archaeal communities in oxic environments
产甲烷古菌类型 产甲烷古菌类群 参考文献 氢营养型 Methanomicrobiales(目) Methanogenium(科) [49, 54] Methanobacteriales(目) Methanobacterium(属), Methanobrevibacter(属) [49, 59] Methanocellales(目) Methanocella(属) [50-51, 54] 乙酸营养型 Methanosarcinales(目) Methanosaeta/Methanothrix(种) [52, 54] Methanosarcina(属) [50-51, 54] 甲基营养型 Methanosarcinales(目) Methanosarcinaceae(科) [54, 56] Methanosarcinales(目) Methanomicrococcus blatticola(种) [60] -
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