The three-dimensional geomorphologic map of China Seas and adjacent regions:design and practice
中国海区及邻域立体地貌图既是一幅现代地图,又是一张绘画,构成了一幅“现代地图-地景画”。采取“一图三制”绘制方法,即陆地为地形晕渲法, 大陆架使用形象示意法, 深海区采用立体构图法。原图比例尺1:200万,垂直比例尺放大20倍。该图制作分两步:先绘制铅笔草图,再进行彩绘,完全手工绘制。该图展现了欧亚大陆板块东南部、大陆板块边缘及菲律宾海板块的地貌特征。区内地貌形成驱动力来自两条板块边界,即喜马拉雅碰撞带与西太平洋俯冲带。中国东部在E—W向老的构造基础上,叠加了新生代的NNE向构造,呈现网格状构造地貌格局。太平洋对大陆俯冲,拉开了日本海盆、冲绳海槽,形成2套沟弧盆体系。南海海盆是在陆缘引张下形成的,菲律宾弧北移并旋转,把南海围成边缘海。菲律宾弧北段与台湾岛碰撞,使中央山脉隆起,洋壳逆冲上陆,形成海岸山脉,台湾纵谷即板块缝合线。菲律宾海板块是太平洋板块一部分,在断裂基础上发生多次洋壳对洋壳俯冲,形成了洋缘沟弧盆地貌。
Abstract:The 《Geomorphologic Map of China Seas and Adjacent Regions》 is a present topographic map expressed by painting skills. It was compiled following the principle of "one map of three expression options". The shadow method is adopted for land area, and the pictographic method adopted for continental shelves, while the 3D compositional drawing method is used for the vast areas of deep sea. The original scale is 1:2 million, whereas the vertical scale is 20 times exaggerated. The map is made of in two steps: Drew pencil sketches first and then decorated with colors. All were drawn by hand. Shown on the map are the geomorphologic features of the southeastern Eurasian plate, the continental plate edge, and the Philippine Sea plate. The formation of the landscape of the area is driven by two plate boundaries, i.e. the Himalayan collision zone and West Pacific Subduction Zone. In the eastern part of China, it was dominated by the old E-W structure, superimposed by Cenozoic structures in NNE direction, and thus formed a grid-like tectonic landforms. Owing to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Eurasia, the Japanese basins and the Okinawa Trough were pulled apart and formed the 2 sets of trench-arc-basin systems. The South China Sea Basin was formed by the opening of the continent margin, when the Philippine arc moved north under rotation to make the South China Sea a marginal sea. The northern part of the Philippines arc collided with the island of Taiwan and resulted in the rise of the Central Mountain Range, The ocean crust thrusted onto the land and formed the Coastal Mountains. The Longitudinal Valley of Taiwan is in fact a plate suture, and the Philippine Sea plate a part of the Pacific plate. Driven by repeated subduction of oceanic crusts following fractures, formed trench-arc-basin topography along the oceanic margin.
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