Abstract:Submarine geomorphology plays significant roles in marine environmental and engineering studies, and the deep sea is specially complex in geomorphology. Based on the existing norms, standards and regional tectonic evolution characteristics, this paper takes the Philippine sea as the research object for study of deep sea geoenvironment. Quantitative standards are proposed and six different geomorphic units are identified, which include seamounts, hills, submarine rifts, mountain valleys, intermontane depressions, and intermontane basins. Based on DEM, ArcGIS is used to extract critical geomorphological factors such as elevation, slope, slope change and relief of land surface. Following the classification, the study area is quantitatively divided into six geomorphic units. Controlled by the tectonic stresses in different periods, the west part and the east part of the survey area show significant difference in tectonic strikes. The oceanic ridges in the west are arranged in a near-EW pattern, and the hills in the east are in a near-NS direction. Ridges are narrower in the west. Large-scale geomorphic units, such as seamounts and intermontane basins are often controlled by strong geological processes, such as magmatic, hydrothermal and tectonic activities. Facts have proved that this research is helpful to submarine landform classification and the study of their genesis. It can also contribute more to the formulation of relevant standards and specifications for deep sea geomorphological studies.
表 1 典型地貌因子概念及算法
Table 1. The concept and algorithm of typical terrain factors
地貌因子 概念 公式 高程(水深) 海底到大地水准面的垂直距离 H 坡度 反映曲面的倾斜程度,用垂直高差和水平距离的比值表示 Si=arctan(H/L) 坡度变化率 以坡度为基础,对其再做一次坡度运算即可取得坡度变率 坡度之坡度 地形起伏度 特定分析区域内,高程值与相对高程基准面之差 RFi=H-Hrelative 表 2 研究区地貌类型划分
Table 2. The classification of geomorphic types in the study area
一级地貌 二级地貌 三级地貌 四级地貌 大洋地貌 大洋盆地(西菲律宾海盆) 盆内海岭 山间谷地
海底裂谷深海海山群 中央裂谷 深海海岭(九州-帕劳海岭) 山间洼地
山间盆地弧后盆地(帕里西维拉海盆) 深海海丘群 海丘
山间谷地表 3 基于海底起伏高程的海山类型
Table 3. The seamount type based on sea floor relief elevation
起伏高度/m 200~500 500~1000 1000~2500 >2500 相对高度/m(相较高程基准面) 1000~3500 小起伏中山 中起伏中山 大起伏中山 极大起伏中山 3500~5000 小起伏高山 中起伏高山 大起伏高山 极大起伏高山 >5000 小起伏极高山 中起伏极高山 大起伏极高山 极大起伏极高山 -
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