Age of a Fe-Mn crust on the Gagua Ridge and applicability studies of dating methods
深海铁锰结壳的定年对其记录的百万年尺度古海洋环境变化研究至为关键。综合运用10Be/9Be、Co经验公式、230Thex/232Th和磁性地层学,对采自加瓜海脊的铁锰结壳样品开展了系统的年代学对比研究。结果表明:相对于开阔大洋的铁锰结壳,较多的陆源物质输入造成了不同定年方法获得的年龄或生长速率的明显差异。其中,因为大量陆源物质携带的232Th以及对Co含量的稀释,铁锰结壳表层的230Thex/232Th初始通量以及样品部分层位的Co通量出现显著变化,230Thex/232Th定年方法与Co经验公式获得的结果受到碎屑物质的影响最为显著。尽管10Be/9Be初始通量也受到了陆源物质输入的影响,但是10Be/9Be初始通量变化很小,应该是本研究中最为可信的结果。而古地磁地层学定年法需要参考其他定年结果,最后也只能得到几个年龄控制点。最终得出加瓜海脊该铁锰结壳样品的年龄为7.09 Ma,而不同核素在铁锰结壳中的赋存状态应该是今后值得深入研究的一个重要方向。
Abstract:Precise dating of deep-sea Fe-Mn crust is crucial to the research of paleoceanographic changes. In this paper, dating methods of 10Be/9Be, Co empirical formula, 230Thex/232Th and paleomagnetic stratigraphy are comparatively used for systematical chronological studies of a Fe-Mn crust sample collected from the Gagua Ridge. Different growth rate or different age figures are observed as different dating methods are adopted due to large inputs of terrigenous materials. Co content is diluted by the excessive amounts of 232Th brought in by the terrigenous inputs, and the Co flux in certain layers and initial 230Thex/232Th flux at the surface layer are both greatly fluctuated, which will render greatly influence onto the dating results of the two methods. Although the 10Be/9Be initial flux is also influenced by terrigenous inputs, it remains relatively stable. Therefore, 10Be/9Be can be regarded as the most precise dating method in the case. Paleomagnetic stratigraphy dating results may provide several age controlling points after referring to other dating results. Finally, the initial growth age of the Fe-Mn crust is confirmed as 7.09 Ma. For more precise age figure, further studies are required on the occurrence of nuclides in the Fe-Mn crust.
Key words:
- Fe-Mn crust /
- dating methods /
- paleomagnetism /
- isotopic geochemistry /
- the Gagua Ridge
表 1 铁锰结壳的10Be/9Be测试结果以及10Be/9Be初始通量
Table 1. 10Be/9Be testing results of Fe-Mn crust and initial flux of 10Be/9Be
序号 矫正深度/mm 10Be/9Be/10−10 年龄/Ma (10Be/9Be)初始通量/10−10 Dive08-1 0.50 1.535 0.080 1.598 Dive08-2 3.50 1.208 0.560 1.598 Dive08-3 6.50 0.564 2.085 1.599 Dive08-4 11.75 0.439 2.589 1.601 Dive08-5 16.25 0.273 3.544 1.604 Dive08-6 20.75 0.239 3.814 1.605 Dive08-7 25.00 0.187 4.299 1.606 Dive08-8 28.25 0.137 4.923 1.606 Dive08-9 32.50 0.125 5.110 1.607 Dive08-10 36.00 0.113 5.306 1.609 Dive08-11 39.25 0.081 5.989 1.608 空白样 0.002 表 2 结壳表层230Thex/232Th测试结果以及230Thex/232Th初始通量
Table 2. Experimental results of 230Thex/232Th and initial flux of 230Thex/232Th
序号 深度/mm 质量/g 238U /(μg/kg) 230Th / 232Th/原子数×10−6 230Th / 238U 230Thex/232Th 年龄/Ma (230Thex/232Th)0 D08-1 0.08 0.023100 7684.3±36.7 159.015159±3.348 46.7555±0.3114 30.01 0.01 32.25 D08-2 0.27 0.033700 7459.7±31.2 87.168225±1.812 31.1138±0.1780 16.60 0.03 21.29 D08-3 0.47 0.024700 7467.8±29.3 65.836530±1.362 22.5662±0.1255 12.67 0.05 19.49 D08-4 0.64 0.026800 7715.4±29.0 66.634394±1.405 21.3219±0.1441 12.85 0.06 23.20 D08-5 0.81 0.023200 7891.3±35.2 60.799142±1.278 17.5236±0.1188 11.83 0.08 24.95 D08-6 0.98 0.027800 7358.8±41.0 23.237013±3.394 8.7137±1.1560 4.74 0.10 11.71 D08-7 1.14 0.021000 8267.8±35.7 45.847210±0.963 13.5603±0.0882 9.05 0.12 26.03 D08-8 1.28 0.020000 6918.1±34.2 35.667330±0.779 11.4776±0.1039 7.12 0.13 23.27 D08-9 1.41 0.019300 6830.7±22.5 37.542399±0.865 12.3548±0.1423 7.45 0.14 27.53 D08-10 1.53 0.014500 6557.2±42.6 30.485152±0.682 9.8458±0.1022 6.16 0.15 25.28 D08-11 1.62 0.014000 10020.1±71.8 24.628982±0.533 7.5091±0.0642 5.10 0.16 22.89 D08-12 1.75 0.023800 7926.5±44.1 21.876682±0.489 6.3202±0.0604 4.63 0.18 23.34 D08-13 1.87 0.011200 8203.9±48.0 19.038096±0.428 5.5576±0.0583 4.10 0.19 23.05 D08-14 1.95 0.013800 6689.5±36.2 18.846383±0.411 5.5571±0.0508 4.05 0.20 24.62 D08-14R 6171.4±46.5 16.099030±0.356 4.5886±0.0463 3.56 注:(230Thex/232Th)0代表初始通量,D08-14R为重复样。 表 3 南海和太平洋深层水10Be/9Be初始通量
Table 3. Initial flux of 10Be/9Be in SCS and Pacific
序号 年龄/Ma 10Be/9Be/10−9 (10Be/9Be)初始通量/10−9 J158-1 0.390 5.160 6.270 J158-2 1.330 3.230 6.279 J158-3 2.170 2.130 6.300 J158-4 3.170 1.290 6.289 J158-5 4.520 0.660 6.318 05E-1 0.250 5.420 6.141 05E-2 0.550 4.650 6.121 05E-3 1.060 3.610 6.131 05E-4 1.870 2.400 6.110 05E-5 2.340 1.900 6.118 05E-6 2.71 1.58 6.121 MDD46-1-1 0.96 65.48 106 MDD46-1-5 1.370 68.32 135 MDD46-1-10 1.750 60.89 146 MDD46-1-15 2.320 47.56 152 MDD46-1-20 2.750 24.31 96 MDD46-1-25 3.190 19.79 97 MDD46-1-30 3.680 7.93 50 MDD46-1-35 4.150 11.10 88 MDD46-1-40 4.560 14.99 147 MDD46-1-41 4.650 14.29 146 注:J158[41]和05E[42]记录南海深层水10Be/9Be初始通量,结壳
MDD46-1[40]记录太平洋深层水10Be/9Be初始通量。表 4 全球大洋、边缘海结壳主微量元素平均含量
Table 4. Major and trace elements content of Fe-Mn crust from oceans and marginal seas
元素 大西洋 印度洋 南大洋 Non-Prime Zone 北太平洋Prime Zone 加瓜海脊* 菲律宾海盆 加利福利亚湾 南海** 主量元素/% Fe 20.9 22.3 18.1 22.5 16.8 23.92 21.16 23.8 16.01 Mn 14.5 17 21.7 23.4 22.8 18.59 5.08 19.5 15.43 Al 2.2 1.83 1.28 1.8 1.01 5.80 4 1.79 2.02 微量元素/(mg/kg) Co 3608 3291 6167 3733 6655 2258.95 1450 3131 1639.25 Cu 861 1105 1082 1074 982 1077.06 815.3 383 484.88 Ni 2581 2563 4643 3495 4216 2286.86 886.15 2269 2992.88 Th 52 56 15 36 12 63.03 31.66 48 8.68 注:*数据来自Chen[28]以及本研究,**数据来自Guan[54],其他数据来自Hein[1]。 -
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