Phytolith assemblages and their environmental significance in the Chuanfan Cave, Wanshouyan Site, Fujian
万寿岩遗址位于福建省三明市,遗址之一的船帆洞中曾生活过两期古人类(40~37 kaBP和30~29 kaBP)。在第一期古人类的文化层中发现的人工石铺地面在我国旧石器考古中属重要发现,对研究末次冰期古人类生存环境具有重大意义。对船帆洞沉积物的植硅体分析显示,尖型植硅体和棒型植硅体数量比较占优势,扇型和块状植硅体含量其次,短细胞植硅体形态中鞍型的含量较多。结合聚类分析结果可将剖面至下而上划分为5个气候带,气候环境依次为凉干-冷干-冷偏干-凉偏干-温凉偏干。第一期古人类生活于带I底部,为凉干背景下较温暖的气候环境;第二期古人类生活于带Ⅳ上部,为凉偏干背景下较温暖的气候环境。植硅体的变化特征较好地指示了H4和H3事件,分别对应两期文化层。两次Heinrich事件改变了古人类的生存环境,推测是两期古人类离开船帆洞的主要原因。
Abstract:Two-stage cultural layers (40~37 kaBP and 30~29 kaBP) were identified in the Chuanfan Cave, Wanshouyan Site, Sanming, Fujian Province. The artificial pebble-laid living surface in the first cultural layer was an important discovery in paleolithic reconnaissance, which has great significance in investigating the living environment in the last glacial period. Systematic phytolith analysis of deposits in the Chuanfan Cave provided us an opportunity to reveal climatic change and the living environment of ancient humans since late Pleistocene. Results show that acicula and rhabdolith were dominant in all samples, followed by fan-shaped and blocky phytolith, and more saddle-shaped phytolith in short cell. Five climatic stages were divided from bottom to top according to phytolith assemblages: cool dry, cold dry, in relatively dry cold, relatively dry cool, and relatively warm dry. The first ancient human lived in the early stage Ⅰ, which was relatively warm in cool-dry background. The second ancient human lived in the late stage Ⅳ, which was relatively warm in cool-relatively-dry background. Phytolith variation also indicated that the Heinrich events H4 and H3 correspond well to the two cultural layers. The climate tended to be cooler rapidly after the two Heinrich events, which changed the living environment of ancient humans and shall be the main reason for the ancient humans in the two stages to escape from the Chuanfan Cave.
Key words:
- phytolith /
- pollen /
- paleoclimate /
- Chuanfan Cave /
- Wanshouyan Sit
图 1 万寿岩区域地质概况(据文献[17]修编)
Figure 1.
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