Revisiting the concept of river delta sedimentary systems
本文试从沉积动力学视角重新剖析河流三角洲沉积体系特征。根据“河流三角洲是同一河流入海物质所形成的集中堆积体”的定义,传统上根据径流、潮汐和波浪而构建的三端元分类图似乎不能概括三角洲的所有类型,河口湾形态、陆架环流和海面变化也有同等的重要性,可形成海湾充填三角洲、远端泥、陆架边缘三角洲这样的端元形态。沉积物重力流也是不可忽视的因素。融合以上各个因素所形成的河流三角洲形态谱系,有助于过程-产物关系的建立。需进一步开展的相关研究包括:① 地层层序中三角洲沉积类型的识别标志,以区分水下三角洲、远端泥,确定陆架边缘三角洲的归属;② 三角洲体系的时空分布及其与沉积记录完整性之间的关系;③ 三角洲演化的终极形态、规模与沉积物收支过程的关系。
Abstract:This paper attempts to re-analyze the depositional system of river deltas from the perspective of sediment dynamics. According to the definition that "river deltas are concentrated deposits associated with the same river flowing into the sea", the traditional three-end-member classification diagram based on runoff, tides and waves does not seem to have covered all types of deltas. Coastal embayment morphology, shelf circulation and sea level changes are also important; they are related to the end-member forms of embayment filling delta, distal mud and shelf edge delta, respectively. Sediment gravity flow is also a factor that cannot be neglected for some stages of delta evolution. Hence, the above factors may be combined by an integrated modeling system to define a delta morphological spectrum, which is beneficial to the study on the process-product relationships. The relevant scientific issues that are worth exploring include: (1) any criteria to differentiate between the clinoforms of subaqueous delta and the distal mud, to be used in the analysis of deltaic deposits within the stratigraphic sequence, e.g., the classification of shelf edge deltas; (2) the completeness of the sedimentary record, in relation to the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the various components of a delta system; and (3) the relationship between delta evolution (and its ultimate magnitude in particular) and sediment budgeting processes.
图 3 珠江、长江、黄河远端泥所处的不同演化阶段[53]
Figure 3.
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