Environmental impact monitoring technology for carbon storage projects under leakage scenarios
摘要: CO2环境影响监测技术作为碳捕集、利用与封存(Carbon Capture,Utilization and Storage,CCUS)体系的重要组成部分,贯穿整个储存过程,决定着CCUS工程的成败,对CCUS工程的有效性、持续性、安全性及碳减排效果的评估发挥着举足轻重的作用。为确保碳封存项目安全可靠运行,需要对环境影响、地层响应和CO2地下运移等多个监测指标开展全流程测量和监控。不同监测阶段、不同监测指标下CO2环境影响监测的重点会有所不同,相应的监测技术组合也略有差别。围绕地质封存中CO2泄漏监测及泄漏源监测识别问题,系统剖析了CO2环境影响监测技术的特点和应用场景,阐述了不同监测阶段、不同监测指标下CO2环境影响监测技术方法的研究进展,总结了不同泄漏情景下CO2环境影响监测技术方法的选择及其在实际应用中面临的问题,认为实时连续的监测设备研发、“大气-地表-地下”立体化快速监测技术体系以及长期有效的CO2监测管理系统构建将是CO2环境影响监测技术的发展方向。可为未来开展百万吨级碳封存工程的环境影响监测提供参考和借鉴。Abstract: CO2 environmental impact monitoring technology is an important part of the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) system, which runs through the entire storage process and determines the success of CCUS. This technology also plays a decisive role for the effectiveness, sustainability, safety of the CCUS project and the assessment of carbon emission reduction effects. It is necessary to carry out the full-process measurement and monitoring of multiple monitoring indicators, such as environmental capacity, stratum response, and CO2 underground migration, in order to ensure the safe and reliable operation of carbon storage projects. The emphasis of CO2 environmental impact monitoring will be different under different monitoring stages and different monitoring indicators, and the corresponding monitoring technology combinations will show slight difference. Focusing on the CO2 leakage monitoring and leakage source monitoring and identifying, the authors have systematically analyzed the features and application scenarios of CO2 environmental impact monitoring technology, and expounded on the CO2 environmental impact monitoring technology research progress under different monitoring stages and different monitoring indicators. Besides, the authors have also summarized CO2 environmental impact monitoring technology selections under different leakage scenarios and the practical problems, and pointed out that the research and development of real-time monitoring equipment, the atmosphere-surface-underground three-dimensional rapid monitoring technology system and the construction of long-term and effective CO2 monitoring management system would be the future development direction of the CO2 environmental impact monitoring technology, which could provide some reference for the development of environmental impact monitoring technology for future megaton-level carbon storage projects.
Key words:
- CCUS /
- CO2 geological storage /
- CO2 leakage /
- environment effects /
- monitoring technology
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