Identification Technology of Grey Mudstone Gas Reservoir in Hari Sag of Yin'e Basin
摘要: 哈日凹陷位于银根-额济纳旗盆地北部,勘探程度较低,目前,主要勘探对象为灰质泥岩、白云质泥岩等非常规油气藏,但由于该凹陷属于小型复杂断陷贫瘠沉积,岩性复杂多样,主要目的层岩性横向变化快、纵向跨度大,薄砂层、白云质泥岩、灰质泥岩等多种岩性可区分度低,常规预测手段识别困难。为了解决上述难题,通过反复对比试验,确定了以保护低频信息的宽频地震采集和保真保幅三维处理数据为基础,通过井震联合地震相识别技术和虚切片技术建立立体的地震-沉积相模型,在严格的立体"相"边界控制下,采用多属性优化技术及基于拟声波曲线重构的相控分频属性反演等具有针对性的灰质泥岩气藏识别技术,有效提高了灰质泥岩储层"甜点"识别的精度,形成了简单、有效、经济的小型复杂断陷盆地灰质泥岩气藏识别技术系列。最终在哈日凹陷巴音戈壁组识别泥岩气藏面积达128 km2,综合评价优选上钻的多口井位均在目的层获得较好的页岩气勘探效果。证明了上述基于宽频保真保幅地震数据的复杂断陷泥岩油气藏识别技术的有效性和实用性。Abstract: The Hari sag is located in the northern part of the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin. The exploration level is relatively low. At present, the main exploration targets are such unconventional oil- and-gas reservoirs as grey mudstone and dolomitic mudstone. The sag belongs to the small and complex fault depression and its lithology is complex and diverse. The lithology of the target layer changes rapidly and the longitudinal span is large. Many lithologies, as thin sand layer, dolomitic mudstone and grey mudstone, are difficult to identify with conventional prediction methods. In order to solve the above problems, through repeated trials and tests, broadband seismic data acquisition and processing is used. A three-dimensional seismic-sedimentary-facies model is established through the technology of well seismic identification and virtual slice analysis. The optimization technology under strict three-dimensional "phase"-boundary control and the inversion, based on pseudo-acoustic curve reconstruction, of phase-controlled frequency division are adopted. These technologies have effectively improved the accuracy of identification of grey mudstone reservoirs. Thus, a simple, effective and economical identification system for small-scale, complex-filled-basin grey mudstone gas reservoirs has been formed. Consequently an area of 128 square kilometers of grey mudstone gas reservoirs has been identified in the Bayinggebi Formation of Hari sag. The wells drilled have achieved better results of shale gas exploration in the target layer. It has been proved that the identification technology for complex fractured shale gas reservoirs based on broadband seismic data is valid and practical.
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