Dynamic Features of Groundwater Level in Northern Qinling and Its Influence Factors
摘要: 地下水是秦岭北麓地区的主要供水水源,研究该区地下水位动态变化特征及其影响因素对地下水资源合理开发及生态环境保护具有重要意义。以秦岭北麓的户县平原区为例,根据地下水埋深、气象、水文资料,结合研究区水文地质条件,运用克里金插值方法、主成分投影-聚类耦合模型,研究1980~2019年地下水位时空演变过程,以影响地下水动态的主要因素划分地下水动态类型,分析地下水位动态变化特征。结果表明,1980~2019年地下水位总体呈波动下降趋势;冲积平原和洪积平原年际变幅较大,而冲洪积扇前缘相对较小;研究区地下水动态类型可划分为水文型、降雨入渗-开采型、径流型、降雨入渗-水文-开采型4类;研究区地下水位态变化的主要外在影响因素为降雨、河流径流、开采。Abstract: Groundwater is the main water supply source in the north of Qinling mountains. It is of great significance to study the dynamic variation of groundwater level and its influencing factors for rational development of groundwater resources and protect the ecological environment. This paper chooses the Huxian plain as the regions in the north of Qinling mountains, According to the groundwater depth, meteorological and hydrological data, combined with the hydrogeological conditions in the study area, using the Kriging method and principal component projection-clustering coupling model statistical, the temporal and spatial variation process of groundwater level from 1980 to 2019 was studied, the groundwater dynamic types were classified according to the main factors affecting groundwater dynamics, and the dynamic variation characteristics of groundwater level were analyzed. The results show that the groundwater level fluctuates and declines from 1980 to 2019. The interannual variation of alluvial plain and diluvial plain is large while the leading edge of alluvial fan is relatively small. The groundwater dynamic types in the study area can be divided into four types:hydrologic, precipitation-exploration, runoff, and precipitation-hydrologic-exploration type. Rainfall, river runoff and exploitation are the main external influencing factors of groundwater level change in the study area.
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