摘要: 碳酸盐岩储层发育和成岩作用复杂性导致了储层物性非均质特征。对东沙海区流花油田碳酸盐岩测井曲线进行交汇分析,得出速度、密度和中子孔隙度与波阻抗有良好的线性对应关系。通过对流花地区的三维地震和测井资料分析运算,总结碳酸盐台地非均质地震反射特征,利用地震属性和反演技术描述了该区生物礁碳酸盐岩储层的物性特征。结果表明,地震反射强度、波阻抗反演、振幅类属性和相干体等,可展示该区碳酸盐岩储层物性的非均质性特征,另外,影响流花非均质的主要因素,为岩溶以及酸性气体造成的垮塌灰岩坑。Abstract: The complexity of carbonate deposition and diagenesis leads to the carbonate reservoir heterogeneity. The analysis of the intersections of well logs in the area of the Liuhua oil field on Dongsha massif suggest that velocity, density and seismic acoustic impedance are the most relevant physical parameters of porosity. Based on the quantitative analysis of reservoir physical properties from 3d seismic and logging data, we summarized in this paper the heterogeneous characteristics of the reef carbonate platform, and described its physical properties, by using the techniques of seismic inversion and attributes analysis. The results show that the seismic reflection, acoustic impedance inversion, seismic amplitude attributes, and coherence can be used in description of carbonate reservoir characteristics. Finally, we analyzed the genesis of the heterogeneity of reservoir of the Lliuhua oil field. It is concluded that the karst and sinkhole caused by acid gas are one of the main reasons for the heterogeneity of a reservoir.
Key words:
- Liuhua oil field /
- carbonate limestone /
- character of geophysical /
- heterogeneity /
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