摘要: 依据辽东湾东部海砂开采区近期钻探、海流观测等实际资料,采用数值模拟方法,探讨了该区海砂开采环境容量。调查结果显示,该区海砂矿层厚度为4.0~6.0 m,海砂总资源量约3 818×104m3,砂组分含量为84.4%~92.4%。模拟结果表明,控制采砂强度后,10 mg/L的悬浮泥沙主要在辽东湾种质资源和斑海豹自然保护区的实验区内扩散,不会对以上两个保护区的核心区水质环境产生影响;海砂开采后,海底管线部分管段年侵蚀量减小值为0.002~0.02 m,部分年侵蚀量增加0.001~0.005 m,不会对管线造成影响;东侧岸滩年冲淤量变化小于0.001 m。建议应采取控制开采深度、开采面积、开采量和采砂强度,加强监测等措施,减缓海砂开采活动对海洋环境的影响。Abstract: According to the data collected from drilling holes and tidal current observations, using numerical simulation methods, the environmental capacity for sea sand mining is studied in the eastern Liaodong Bay. The average thickness of the sand layer ranges between 4.0~6.0 m. The total reserve of sand is about 3818×104m3. The sand content is generally in the range of 84.4%~92.4%. The results of simulation indicates that the suspended mater caused by sand mining is less than 10 mg/L and mainly spread in the experimental area of the germplasm resources conservation area and the Natural Reserve of Spotted Seal of the Liaodong Bay. However, the suspended sediment has no severe impact on the core area of the above two experimental areas. After the mining of marine sands, the erosion rate will decrease in an amount of 0.002~0.02 m/a in the subbottom pipeline section, even though it may increase by 0.001~0.005 m/a in some areas. But in general sand mining will not have influence on the pipeline. The erosion and deposition rate is less than 0.001m/a in the eastern beach. It is suggested that the mining depth, mining area and mining amount and intensity should be controlled, and in-situ monitoring and other measures should be enforced to mitigate the impact of sea sand mining activities on the marine environment.
Key words:
- sea sand /
- environmental capacity /
- erosion and deposition /
- Liaodong Bay
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