摘要: 通过系统分析北黄海西部实测浅地层剖面资料,结合前人研究成果,探讨了辽东半岛南岸海域潮流沉积体系的特征,分析结果显示,研究区潮流沙脊剖面上呈不对称丘状分布,多为斜交前积反射,顶部叠置活动沙丘,属于仍在活动的侵蚀型和侵蚀-堆积型潮流沙脊。研究区存在4条彼此平行的NE-SW向展布的潮流沙脊,与M2分潮流椭圆长轴方向平行或呈小角度相交,沙脊长35~75 km,高3~17 m,脊宽3~7 km,沙脊分布区的水深为40~50 m。辽东半岛南岸海域潮流沙脊沉积特征受控于潮流的性质和海平面变化,物源显示多元化特征:落潮流携带老铁山水道侵蚀物质、沉积区附近和近岸岛屿的侵蚀物质、沿岸河流输入和沿岸流的搬运物质。Abstract: High resolution seismic profiles and previous research progresses have been used to study the characteristics of the tidal depositional system off the coastal area of southeast Liaodong Peninsula. The results indicate that the tidal sand ridges show asymmetrical-mound and oblique progradational reflection configuration on the seismic profiles, topped by active sand waves, suggesting that they are formed by erosion or by erosion and accumulation and still active. There are four NE-SW distributed tidal sand ridges parallel to each other in the study area, whose orientation is agree with the major and minor axes of the ellipses of M2 constituent. The tidal sand ridges are 35~75 km long and 3~17 m high, 3~7 km wide distributed in a water depth of 40 to 50 m. The sedimentary characteristics of the tidal sand ridges are influenced by the characters of tide and the change in sea level in the study area. The provenance of the sand ridges is multiple, which includes the eroded matters from the ebb current through the Laotieshan Channel, eroded matters from coastal island and neighborhood, river inputs and detritus from coastal currents.
Key words:
- tidal sand ridges /
- sub-bottom profiles /
- Liaodong Peninsula
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