Study on Characteristics of Bentonite in Huludao, Liaoning
Abstract:Huludao is the starting point of the Jinxi-Hartao metallogenic belt. In order to explore the characteristics of Huludao bentonite, six bentonite mines in Huludao were studied. Crystalline phases, montmorillonite content, swelling property, cation exchange performance of the samples were characterized and evaluated by X-ray diffraction, swelling volume, cation exchange capacity and methylene blue index, respectively. By comparing Huludao bentonite with other bentonites in western Liaoning, the characteristics of bentonite in western Liaoning were summarized. Huludao bentonite belongs to calcium-base bentonite and has the following advantages: high whiteness, high montmorillonite content, simple mineral composition, good cation exchange performance and stable ore quality, which has a strong representativeness in western Liaoning. However, bentonite in the western Liaoning generally contains cristobalite, which limits the application range of the product.
Key words:
- Bentonite /
- Cristobalite /
- Mineral composition
表 1 葫芦岛膨润土的形貌特征
Table 1. Apparent characteristics of Huludao bentonite
编号 颜色 表观白度 粒度均匀 质感 块矿占比 其他 1 灰白 高 × 砂质 多 2 灰白、浅褐色 中 √ 砂质 无 3 灰白、褐色 低 √ 砂质 少 4 灰白 高 √ 砂质 少 5 土黄色、灰绿色 中 × 蜡质 多 柔软、有塑形 6 深褐色 低 × 岩石质 少 坚硬、难破碎 表 2 吸蓝量、CEC、膨胀容和pH值测试结果
Table 2. Test results of MBI, CEC, SV and pH value
No. 1号 2号 3号 4号 5号 6号 吸蓝量换算的蒙脱石含量/ % min 60.8 61.3 64.3 58.8 72.3 45.7 max 76.3 78.5 83.3 78.0 81.0 69.7 mean 70.2 70.9 72.3 67.9 75.4 57.3 CEC/mmol·(100 g)-1 min 64.47 71.33 70.75 65.33 80.54 52.63 max 86.53 95.53 96.87 88.87 92.05 76.52 mean 78 81.16 82.02 76.71 85.39 64.51 膨胀容/ (mL·g-1) min 6 9 10 8 8 8 max 13 14 13 15 14 12 mean 9 11 12 11 12 10 pH值 min 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.6 7.9 max 8.1 8.4 8.5 8.7 8.2 8.9 mean 7.8 8.1 8.0 8.1 7.9 8.5 表 3 辽西地区膨润土主产地膨润土矿的特征
Table 3. Characteristics of bentonite in western Liaoning
序号 产地 类型 蒙脱石/% 性质与特征 1 建平 镁基 62.32 胶质价46;膨胀容8;脉石矿物:石英[21] 2 钙基 85.06 胶质价96.3;膨胀容10.4[22];pH值 8.6;CEC 36.5;脉石矿物:石英、云母、长石[21] 3 阜蒙 钠基 57.67 胶质价62.30;膨胀容8.1;pH 8.60 ;CEC 59.90[23] 4 钙基 56.04 胶质价100;膨胀容10.75;pH 9.15;CEC 56.04 5 钙基 40-70 CEC 49-69;[23]脉石矿物:石英8~20%、长石12~27%、水云母2.3~5.6%、方英石1%以下[24] 6 凌源 钙基/钠基 60~80 pH 值7.5~8.2(钙基);9.01~9.89(钠基);胶质价87~100;膨胀容8-9; 脉石:方英石、斜长石、方解石、少量伊利石、沸石和石英[8] 7 黑山 钙基 50~60 胶质价80~100;膨胀倍数 12-33;脉石:沸石、方英石、伊利石、石英、长石、云母[8] 8 阜新 钠基 65 脉石:方石英、石英、长石、方解石[5] 9 北票 钙基 68.5 胶质价68.55;膨胀容8.87;pH 8.75脉石:方英石、长石,少量石英和方解石[25] 10 钙基 73.8 胶质价99.45;膨胀容18.9;pH值8.06;脉石:方英石、长石,少量石英和方解石[25] 11 钙基 88.1 胶质价56.55;膨胀容6.10;pH8.22;脉石:方英石、长石,少量石英和方解石[25] 12 彰武 钙基 55.83~78.33 CEC:51.39~82.09;脉石:高岭土、伊利石和少量长石、石英、方解石、黑云母[26] 注:胶质价(mL/15 g) 膨胀容(mL/g) CEC(mmol/100 g) -
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