Comprehensive Utilizations of the Strategic Mineral Resources from Vanadium Titano-Magnetite Tailings in the Panxi Region, SW China
Abstract:This is an essay in the field of mineral processing engineering. Extraction of the vanadium titano-magnetite ore deposits in the Panxi Region, the biggest vanadium titano-magnetite mineral resource base, results in the production of a significant volume of tailings. The tailings have a high recovery potential of the strategic mineral resources (eg.,Vi, Ti, Fe, Co, Cu, Ni, P, and Sc). Based on the process mineralogy study, we determine the comprehensive utilization technology flowsheet and conduct a systematic recovery test of tailing samples from the Hongge mine in the Panxi Region. By the process of (1) flotation of sulfur, (2) low-intensity magnetic separation of iron, (3) high-intensity magnetic separation and flotation of titanium, (4) flotation of Phosphorous, we obtain the sulfur-cobalt concentrate (Co 0.175%), the iron concentrate (TFe 56.57%), the titanium concentrate (TiO2 45.97%) and phosphorous concentrate (P2O5 31.73%). These results show that the systematic recovery test of tailings can reduce the production of a volume of tailings with significant economic and social benefits.
表 1 红格北矿一期选厂各元素在选矿流程中的走向/%
Table 1. Direction of each element in the beneficiation process of the first phase of the Hongge North mine processing plant
样品名称 TFe TiO2 V2O5 Cr2O3 S Co* Ni* Cu* Sc* Ga* Cd* TREO* In* 原矿 22.90 9.35 0.20 0.032 0.48 134 193 157 13.8 54.4 16.8 460 115 干式预选尾矿 9.19 3.53 0.06 0.018 0.071 89.6 33.2 89.6 20.1 32.7 12.7 633 51 铁精矿 55.79 13.32 0.61 0.100 0.23 142 174 158 2.4 99.3 21.3 383 231 选钛入料 19.36 19.85 0.09 0.017 0.37 136 150 122 21.5 44.2 12.5 359 39.8 选钛尾矿 10.73 7.15 0.06 0.016 0.42 174 284 215 23 43.6 8.67 335 68.9 钛精矿 33.09 47.06 0.06 0.014 0.46 150 128 113 14 45.6 14.2 479 68.3 *单位为:g/t。 表 2 红格尾矿样品化学多项分析结果
Table 2. Results of multiple chemical analyses of Hongge tailings samples
名称 TFe FeO TiO2 S P2O5 SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O MnO V2O5 Cr2O3* Sc2O3* 烧失 含量/% 15.28 13.10 10.90 0.28 1.01 35.58 8.65 11.98 8.14 0.74 1.62 0.27 0.10 358 40.40 1.14 *单位为:g/t。 表 3 红格尾矿样品粒度筛析及主要元素分布
Table 3. Particle size and some major elements of tailing samples from the Hongge mine
粒级/mm 产率/% 品 位/% 分布率/% TFe TiO2 S TFe TiO2 S +2 1.90 17.55 8.73 0.42 2.15 1.46 2.54 -2+1 7.42 14.52 7.79 0.33 6.96 5.10 7.80 -1+0.5 16.63 11.07 7.27 0.24 11.89 10.66 12.71 -0.5+0.25 27.46 14.53 11.85 0.32 25.76 28.69 27.99 -0.25+0.15 18.28 15.48 14.12 0.31 18.27 22.76 18.05 -0.15+0.1 10.19 18.28 14.83 0.32 12.03 13.32 10.39 -0.1+0.075 6.77 18.04 12.41 0.35 7.89 7.41 7.55 -0.075+0.045 7.36 19.89 10.91 0.32 9.45 7.08 7.50 -0.045 3.99 21.74 10.00 0.43 5.60 3.52 5.47 合计 100.00 15.49 11.34 0.31 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 4 红格尾矿样品铁物相分析
Table 4. Iron mineralogical phase analysis of tailing samples from the Hongge mine
名称 菱铁
铁中Fe合计 含量/% 0.52 4.34 0.38 3.96 6.04 15.24 分布率/% 3.41 28.48 2.49 25.98 39.63 100.00 表 5 红格尾矿样品钛物相分析
Table 5. Titanium mineralogical phase analysis of tailing samples from the Hongge mine
名称 钛铁
矿中钛合计 含量/% 8.64 1.44 0.042 0.58 10.702 分布率/% 80.73 13.46 0.39 5.42 100.00 表 6 红格尾矿浮选选硫钴闭路实验结果
Table 6. Results of S-Co closed-circuit flotation test of tailing samples from the Hongge mine
产品名称 产率/% 品位 回收率/% S/% Co/(g/t) S Co 精矿 0.63 37.61 1750.00 73.69 14.48 尾矿 99.37 0.09 65.47 26.31 85.52 合计 100.00 0.32 76.07 100.00 100.00 表 7 红格尾矿弱磁选铁实验结果
Table 7. Results of low intensity magnetic separation of iron from tailing samples from the Hongge mine
磁场强度/T 产品名称 产率/% 品 位/% 回收率/% TFe TiO2 TFe TiO2 0.1 铁精矿 6.03 56.86 12.83 22.12 7.21 尾矿 93.97 12.85 10.59 77.88 92.79 合计 100.00 15.50 10.73 100.00 100.00 0.12 铁精矿 5.79 57.48 12.74 21.90 6.77 尾矿 94.21 12.60 10.78 78.10 93.23 合计 100.00 15.20 10.89 100.00 100.00 0.14 铁精矿 5.93 57.50 13.47 22.19 7.44 尾矿 94.07 12.71 10.56 77.81 92.56 合计 100.00 15.37 10.73 100.00 100.00 0.16 铁精矿 6.08 57.04 13.33 22.12 7.61 尾矿 93.92 13.00 10.48 77.88 92.39 合计 100.00 15.68 10.65 100.00 100.00 表 8 红格尾矿选钛全流程实验结果
Table 8. Results of Ti separation test from tailing samples from the Hongge mine
产品名称 产 率/% TiO2品位/% TiO2回收率/% 钛精矿 14.21 45.97 65.37 浮选尾矿 40.59 5.01 20.35 强磁中矿I 15.81 4.30 6.80 强磁中矿II 9.41 5.12 4.82 强磁尾矿 19.98 1.33 2.66 合计 100.00 9.99 100.00 表 9 红格尾矿浮选选磷探索实验结果
Table 9. Results of phosphorous flotation test of tailing samples from the Hongge mine
产品名称 产率/% P2O5品位/% P2O5回收率/% 磷精矿 4.26 31.73 92.56 尾矿 95.74 0.11 7.44 合计 100.00 1.46 100.00 表 10 红格尾矿中战略性矿产回收实验结果
Table 10. Results of strategic mineral resources recovery test of tailing samples from the Hongge mine
产品名称 产率/% 品 位/% 回收率/% S TFe TiO2 P2O5 S TFe TiO2 P2O5 硫钴精矿 0.64 36.15 82.11 铁精矿 6.27 56.57 13.59 23.22 7.82 钛精矿 13.23 33.41 45.97 28.93 55.79 磷精矿 1.16 31.73 50.51 浮钛尾矿 37.79 强磁选钛尾矿 14.79 浮磷尾矿 26.12 总尾矿 78.70 原料 100.00 0.28 15.28 10.90 0.73 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 -
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