Ore Texture from Longhua Nickel-cobalt Deposit in Jinxiu, Guangxi: Implication for the Genesis of the Deposit
摘要: 广西金秀龙华镍钴矿是近年来在我国新发现的高品位镍钴矿床,矿体主要受围岩和东西向断裂构造双重控制,其成因存在很大争议。笔者首次在手标本上观察到五元素脉型矿床中常见的“蕨类状环带结构”,本文将龙华镍钴矿与五元素脉型矿床的成矿物质来源、成矿流体来源和性质及矿床沉淀机制3 个关键方面进行对比分析,提出龙华镍钴矿床成因类型可能为五元素脉型矿床,成矿物质来自寒武纪地层,成矿流体以盆地卤水为主并叠加有大气降水。黑色碳质泥岩-粉砂岩是触发成矿物质沉淀的还原障,原生黄铁矿和含CH4等还原性流体的注入是导致红砷镍矿等有关成矿物质沉淀的直接因素。其中,特征的“蕨类状环Abstract: Longhua nickel-cobalt mine in Jinxiu, Guangxi Province, was a newly discovered high-grade nickel-cobalt deposit in China in recent years,ore body of which is mainly controlled by the surrounding rocks and east-west fault, but the genesis is still highly controversial. Based on the first observation of the "fern-like zonal texture" which is common in five-element vein deposits, this paper compares and analyzes the critical aspects of source of metallogenic material, the source and nature of mineralization fluids, and the precipitation mechanism between the Longhua nickel-cobalt deposit and five-element vein deposits, and proposes that genetic type of the Longhua nickel-cobalt deposit may be a five-element vein deposit. The metallogenic material came from Cambrian strata, the mineralization fluid was dominated by basin brine and superimposed on meteoric water precipitation. The black carbonaceous mudstone-siltstone was the reducing barrier that triggered the precipitation of ore-forming materials, and the inflow of primary pyrite and CH4-containing reduc ing fluids was the direct factor leading to the sedimentation of nickeline and other relevant ore-forming materials. In particular, the formation of the symbolic "fern-like ring structure" may be the result of the slower thermochemical reduction of sulfate than arsenite in the fluids under specific pH conditions.
Key words:
- Ni-Co deposit /
- Five-element vein deposit /
- Arsenide /
- Sulfarsenide /
- Nickeline
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