The Lanping-Simao basin, whose geotectonic position is in the Eastern Tethyan tectonic domain, is an important salt-forming and potash-forming basin in Southwest China. Therefore, the formation and evolution of Tethys has an important influence on the potential of salt formation, the scale of salt formation and the distribution of salts. This effect is mainly reflected in three aspects: (1) Apart from the formation of marine sedimentary basin in the relevant blocks, epicontinental sea could be retained in the relevant blocks or terranes after the closure of Paleo-Tethyan, and its water might also be used as a salt source to migrate to adjacent sedimentary basins. (2) The salt provenance originated from the transgression in the Meso-Tethys period, besides the residual sea after the closure of Paleo-Tethys, which in turn was affected by the volcanic activity. (3) Large strike slip and thrust nappe structures were developed in Lanping-Simao basin, with the collision of India and Eurasia plate after the closure of the Neo-Tethys. As a result, the location and form of ancient salt rock were adjusted and reconstructed. In summary, the salt and potassium-forming conditions of Lanping-Simao basin might have been influenced by the Tethyan tectonic evolution, with the providing of salt deposit provenance, the control of accommodation space of the basin, the limitation of boundary of sedimentary basin and the adjustment of ancient salt rock distribution. Therefore, a clear recognition of the evolution of Tethys can not only provide help for understanding the mechanism of salt-forming and potassium-forming in Lanping-Simao basin, but also for the deployment of potash exploration plan and the prediction of the favorable potash mining area.