Landsat系列卫星是由美国航空航天局和美国地质调查局共同管理的资源遥感系列卫星,40多a来为地球遥感探测活动提供了大量清晰而稳定的图像数据。卫星遥感数据预处理是获取优质遥感基础图像的第一步,对后续各级卫星遥感产品的质量有着很重要的影响。针对Landsat8卫星原始数据,对卫星下传所采用的空间数据传输协议和数据传输格式进行了详细的解析,分析了原始数据从解同步、数据帧解析、任务数据包解析、图像数据获取直到生成0级图像产品的步骤;特别针对存在无损数据压缩的陆地成像仪( operational land imager,OLI)数据,讨论了基于空间数据系统咨询委员会( consultative committee for space data systems,CCSDS)相关标准进行无损数据解压缩处理的方法和过程。经数据预处理得到的Landsat8卫星0级图像产品,可为Landsat8卫星数据应用提供优质的基础图像。
The Landsat series satellites are the remote sensing resource series satellites, which are jointly managed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration and United States Geological Survey. Large quantities of high-resolution and stable image data provided by the Landsat series satellites have created good opportunities for the earth remote sensing exploration activities in the past forty years. Satellite remote sensing data preprocessing is the first step for obtaining remote sensing image, and has an important impact on the quality of the satellite remote sensing product. Aimed at tackling the Landsat8 raw data, the authors dealt in detail with the space data transmission protocol and data transmission format for Landsat8 data downlink. The preprocessing steps for raw data were analyzed, which included synchronization, transfer frame analyzing, unpack, mission data extracting, etc. In addition, the procedure of 0 - level image product acquisition was described. Specifically, based on CCSDS ( consultative committee for space data systems) recommended standard, the authors also discussed the method and technological process of lossless data decompression for Operational Land Imager ( OLI ) compressed data. The Landsat8 Level 0 data product obtained by the data preprocessing can provide high-quality basic images for the application of Landsat8 satellite remote sensing data.