Inversion of moisture in surface soil of farmland in karst mountainous areas using multi-temporal SAR images
摘要: 农田土壤水分对作物估产和干旱监测具有重要作用,是喀斯特山区耕地精细化监测的重要参数。针对喀斯特地区耕地破碎、土壤水分反演易受云雾干扰等复杂环境影响,在地块尺度上,基于多时相Sentinel-1合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture Radar,SAR)和无人机RGB影像,利用水云模型和支持向量机回归模型反演烟草生长期的土壤水分。结果表明: ①研究引入可见光波段差异植被指数(visible-band difference vegetation index, VDVI)代替传统的植被参数,结合VDVI的水云模型在喀斯特山区适用性良好,同极化方式的反演精度更高,决定系数为0.843,均方根误差为0.983%,为多云雨山区耕地土壤含水量反演提供了一种便捷方法; ②烟草4个生长期内土壤含水量与降雨趋势保持一致,石漠化耕地土壤水分较低,与该试验区岩石裸露、地形复杂、难以灌溉关系密切; ③土壤水分对烟草的生长影响显著,主要表现在高土壤水分起促进作用,低土壤水分起抑制作用,T1—T3时刻影响效果最为明显。研究为多云雨山区耕地土壤水分精细化反演提供了参考。Abstract: The farmland’s soil moisture plays an important role in crop yield estimation and drought monitoring and is also a key parameter for fine-scale monitoring of farmland in karst mountainous areas. Targeting the complex environmental impacts in karst regions such as farmland fragmentation and the fact that the inversion of soil moisture is vulnerable to cloud interference, this study employed both the water cloud model (WCM) and the support vector regression (SVR) model to conduct the block-scale inversion of the soil moisture in the growth periods of tobacco using the multi-temporal Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture Radar (SAR) images and the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) RGB images. The results are as follows. ① In this study, conventional vegetation parameters were replaced with the visible-band difference vegetation index (VDVI), which combined with its water cloud model was highly applicable to karst mountainous areas. The co-polarization method yielded higher inversion precision, with a coefficient of determination of 0.843 and RMSE of 0.983%. These provide a convenient method for the inversion of farmland’s soil moisture in cloudy and rainy mountainous areas. ② The trend of soil moisture in the four growth periods of tobacco is consistent with that of precipitation. Farmland with rocky desertification has low soil moisture, which is closely related to the bare rocks, complex terrain, and difficulties with irrigation in the experimental area. ③ Soil moisture has significant effects on tobacco growth. Specifically, high soil moisture promotes tobacco growth and low soil moisture inhibits tobacco growth, especially during T1—T3. This study can be utilized as a reference for the fine-scale inversion of the farmland’s soil moisture in cloudy and rainy mountainous areas.
Key words:
- soil moisture /
- farmland parcel /
- water cloud model /
- SAR /
- Sentinel-1 /
- UAV remote sensing /
- tobacco growth period
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