Remote sensing interpretation and analysis of the survey of the Tianshui-Longnan Railway based on realistic scene images
摘要: 天陇铁路作为甘肃省委省政府“巩固东连、向西为主,深耕南向、促进北拓”发展战略的重要保障工程,两次翻越秦岭山脉,由北至南途经黄土梁峁沟壑区、天水—西礼盆地中山区、秦岭中山区等3个特征迥异地貌单元,地质构造背景复杂,区域新生代构造活动强烈,沿线存在大规模滑坡群、全新世活动断裂、岩溶塌陷等环境地质问题,严重制约了前期线路方案设计,并影响后期铁路施工运营的安全稳定。该研究充分利用实测航飞遥感数据,通过真实感场景高精度立体影像及正射影像对全线各类地质问题开展了详细的解译分析,结合现场调查资料,对其范围、规模、稳定性以及可能对线路方案产生的影响进行了评价,研究成果为线路方案设计及外业地质勘察提供了有力的遥感技术支撑。Abstract: The Tianshui-Longnan Railway serves as an important project for guaranteeing Gansu Province’s development strategy of “consolidating the east, focusing on the west, deepening the south, and promoting the northward expansion”. This railway crosses the Qinling Mountains twice and passes through three distinct geomorphic units including the loess ridge, knoll, and gully areas, the moderately high mountainous area of the Tianshui-Xili basin, and the moderately high mountainous area of the Qinling Mountains from north to south. The complex geological tectonic setting and the intensive regional Cenozoic tectonic movements lead to environmental geological problems, such as large-scale landslide groups, Holocene active faults, and karst collapse along the railway line, which severely restrain the early-stage design of the line scheme and affect the safety and stability of the later construction and operation of the railway. By fully utilizing surveyed aerial remote sensing data, this study interpreted and analyzed various geological problems along the whole railway in detail according to high-precision stereo images and orthophoto images of realistic scenes. Moreover, this study assessed the scope, scale, stability, and possible impacts of the various geological problems on the line scheme by combining the data from field surveys. The results of this study will provide strong technical support for both the line scheme design and the field geological surveys of the Tianshui-Longnan Railway.
Key words:
- remote sensing technology /
- realistic scene /
- Tianshui-Longnan Railway /
- landslide /
- active fault /
- karst
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