The Lower Devonian clastic sediments (Lianhuashan Fm and Nakaoling Fm) with abundant trace fossils occur at the Liujing Railway Station, Hengxian, south-eastern Guangxi. The middle part of Lianhuashan Fm is dominated by sandstone and siltstone with abundant Skolithos tubes probably a tidal flat environment. Cruziana liujingensis, Lumbricaria kwangsiensis, Chondrites sp., Palaeophycus curvatus and rarly Zoophycos sp. characterize the neritic fine sandstone and siltstone of upper part of Lianhuashan Fm. It is probably subtidal environment. Chondrites sp., Bifungites sp. and Planolites occur in shales and siltstones of basal part of Nakaoling Fm, which were part of the neritic zone and were followed by normal marine deposition of Nakaoling and Yujiang Fins. The trace fossils described herein was first found in China. They contian 8 ichnogenera and 9 ichnospecies.