The critical geological events in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain during the Late Cenozoic
Abstract:The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau since the Late Cenozoic has led to the important adjustment in the geomorphology patterns, paleoclimate systems and sedimentary systems in China.The unified drainage system was formed in the vast area from the eastern Tibetan plateau to marginal sea and the persistent sedimentation controlled by this drainage system resulted in the emergency of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in the Eastern China.The critical geological events such as the uplift of the Taihang Mountain, subsidence of the continental shelf in the marginal sea, the connection of the Huang River and the large scale of transgression in the Late Quaternary profoundly changed the natural environment of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, which until now still affect the social and economic development and become an important concerned scientific issue.The study of these events is of great significance to the understanding of the formation and evolution of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in the Late Cenozoic, and can also provide a theoretical basis for easing the current tense human-earth relationship in this area.The comprehensive analysis of the tectonic and geomorphic processes of the formation and development of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in the late Cenozoic, the opening of the Yellow River and the transgression of the late Quaternary results in the following conclusions.The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau was the root causes for the formation of the present geomorphology and land-sea pattern of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain; the connection of the Huang River led to significant change of the earth surface processes, drainage evolution and source-sink processes in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain; three large scale transgression events in the coastal area and related land-sea interaction not only brought about the change of the sedimentary environment but also formed the special landscapes of deeply incised valley; the key time of the above critical geological events in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain is Miocene and Late Quaternary.This paper also summarized the problems in the study of the tectono-climatic interaction, the dynamic evolution of the geomorphology and chronology in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.Urgent works should be carried out on the multidisciplinary and systematic research in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.
Key words:
- Huang-Huai-Hai Plain /
- critical geological events /
- Late Cenozoic /
- earth surface process
图 1 中国东部黄淮海平原地貌、主要水系、流域边界、断裂及盆地(a)和渤海湾盆地冀中坳陷构造剖面图(b,据参考文献[9]修改)
Figure 1.
图 5 闽浙隆起的沉降导致黄海和渤海地区沉积环境发生变化(据参考文献[74]修改)
Figure 5.
图 6 黄淮海平原第四纪演化(据参考文献[5]修改)
Figure 6.
图 9 渤海西岸晚第四纪海侵影响范围及古海岸线图(据参考文献[183]修改)
Figure 9.
图 11 MIS3期至末次冰期南黄海西部陆架上发育的下切河道[172]
Figure 11.
表 1 钻孔揭露的闽浙隆起带和庙岛隆起的沉降过程
Table 1. The subsidence process of Min-Zhe and Miaodao uplifts revealed by boreholes
研究地点/对象 主要观点 主要证据 参考文献 闽浙隆起 舟山群岛ESC-DZ1孔 约2.0 Ma出现沉降;1.7~0.2 Ma间发生抬升;0.2 Ma之后彻底沉降 研究区位于闽浙隆起带之上。约2.0 Ma出现海相层;1.7~0.2 Ma出现沉积间断;0.2 Ma之后为海陆交互沉积 [61] 南黄海第四系地震层序学研究 闽浙隆起带对南黄海沉积环境和沉积地层发育的控制作用直到晚更新世距今128 ka才终止 128 ka之前南黄海地区仅发育小规模海相层,对海平面波动的响应不明显;128 ka之后,南黄海地区出现大规模海相层,其形成很好地响应了低频高振幅的海平面波动 [69] 南黄海西部CSDP-1孔 1.66 Ma出现小幅沉降;0.83 Ma进一步沉降 3.5~1.66 Ma以河流环境为主,1.66~0.83 Ma为潮坪-潮下带与河流环境的交替,0.83 Ma以来现代海洋环境逐步建立 [66] 长江口PD钻孔 中更新世前后彻底沉降 早更新世物源发生扩张,中更新世发生物源再次发生变化 [67] 冲绳海槽U1428站位 约416 ka出现大规模沉降 钻孔中约416 ka出现岩性变化 [62] 庙岛隆起 莱州湾Lz908 约260 ka发生沉降,约130 ka完全沉降 钻孔中约260 ka湖相沉积结束,海相沉积开始;约130 ka渤海发育为现今内陆架 [70] 渤海BH08等多个钻孔 约0.3 Ma出现沉降, 0.1 Ma完全沉降 研究区约3.7 Ma之前以河流相为主;3.7~0.3 Ma盆地稳定沉降,形成“渤海古湖”,其中1.0 Ma高海平面时期发育微弱海侵;0.3 Ma典型海相沉积出现,0.1 Ma之后大规模海侵出现 [71] 黄河三角洲YRD-1101孔 0.83 Ma小幅沉降,MIS5期大规模沉降 0.83 Ma出现微弱海侵;MIS5早期出现强烈海侵 [72] 表 2 黄河贯通三门峡的时代
Table 2. Ages of the cut through of the Sanmen Gorge by Yellow River
研究对象 贯通时代 主要证据 参考文献 构造地貌 黄河扣马段河流阶地 >1.165 Ma 最高级阶地上1.165 Ma开始堆积黄土 [81] 黄河三门峡段河流阶地 3.63~1.24 Ma 黄河三门峡段上新世夷平面之下发育5级河流阶地;夷平面以及最高级阶地的形成时代分别为3.63 Ma和1.24 Ma [82] 三门峡段河流阶地及渭河盆地河湖相沉积 1.3~1.4 Ma 三门峡最高级河流阶地之上和渭河盆地中具有黄河上游碎屑锆石年龄分布特征的沉积物分别出现于1.3 Ma和1.4 Ma [83] 沉积响应 三门峡盆地黄底沟剖面 0.15 Ma 三门古湖0.15 Ma结束湖相沉积 [84-85] 邙山黄土 0.15 Ma L2以上粒度偏粗,沉积速率增大 [86] 200~250 ka 利用磁化率和粒度重新标定了邙山黄土的时代,发现S2之后沉积速率及粒度发生明显变化 [87] 约900 ka L9黄土(约900 ka)中已经出现了黄河物源 [88] 河南东部平原沉积物 0.78 Ma 黄河冲积平原B/M界线(0.78 Ma)上下沉积物特征、孢粉特征以及重矿物组合明显不同 [89] 汾渭盆地与河南平原更新统介形类化石 0.78~1.0 Ma 更新统介形类化石组合特征中更新世前后发生了明显变化 [90] 黄河三角洲石化2孔 早更新世 钻孔埋深223 m处上下沉积物元素组成存在明显差异,其上与黄河接近,其下与黄河明显不同 [91] 渤海湾西岸G4孔 渤海BH08孔及南黄海NHH01孔 1.6 Ma 地球化学组成指示1.6 Ma物源发生变化 [92] 南黄海西部CSDP-1孔 880 ka 稀土元素和粘土矿物组成指示物源在880 ka由近源小型山地河流为主,转变为以远源多组分的黄河沉积物为主 [93] 渤海湾西岸G2、G3及CK3 0.8 Ma 粘土矿物和Sr-Nd同位素指示物源在0.8 Ma由长江转为了黄河为主 [79] 1.6~1.5 Ma G2、G3及CK3中的碎屑锆石年龄谱在1.6~1.5 Ma发生了明显变化 [94] 表 3 黄淮海平原沿海地区海侵期次划分
Table 3. Division of transgression periods in the coast area of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain
地点 海侵期次及名称 参考文献 黄骅、沧州、保定等地 渤海海进(早更新世)、海兴海进(中更新世)、黄骅海进(晚更新世早期)、白洋淀海进(晚更新世早期)、沧州海进(晚更新世早期)、天津海进(全新世) [184] 渤海湾西岸 沧州海侵(102~70 ka)、献县海侵(39~23 ka)和黄骅海侵(8~2 ka) [185] 河北平原东部 海兴海进、黄骅海进、青县海进、沧西海进(40~20 ka)、献县海进(8.5~5.5 ka)、沧东海进(5~3.5 ka) [186] 中国东部平原 星轮虫海侵(110~70 ka)、假轮虫海侵(40~25 ka)、卷转虫海侵(15~2 ka) [187] 台湾海峡以北沿海平原 盘旋虫海侵(中更新世早期)、星轮虫海侵(晚更新世早期)、假轮虫海侵(晚更新世中期)、卷转虫海侵(全新世) [188] 渤海西、南岸平原 早更新世(2.26 Ma)、中更新世(约0.30 Ma),晚更新世(约100 ka),晚更新世(39~24 ka)、全新世(<10 ka) [189-190] 长江三角洲 如皋海侵(早更新世中期)、上海海侵(中更新世早期)、太湖海侵(晚更新世早期)、滆湖海侵(晚更新世晚期)、镇江海侵(全新世) [191] -
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