Research on the zoning and distribution of ore-bearing tectono-deformation-lithofacies belt in the Weilasituo Li-Sn polymetallic deposit, Inner Mongolia
内蒙古自治区克什克腾旗维拉斯托矿区是近年新发现的大型锂锡多金属矿床。矿区深部为Sn、Zn、Rb、Nb、Ta等成矿元素为主体的强云英岩化、天河石化花岗斑岩型矿(化)体;中部为以Li元素为主、伴生Sn、Mo等成矿元素的隐爆角砾岩型矿(化)体;浅部为Sn、W、Zn、Cu、Mo、Ag等成矿元素的热液脉状矿(化)体。多金属矿化受断裂和岩浆热液蚀变双重控制。断裂蚀变分带实测剖面显示,以断裂为中心,两侧蚀变分带对称分布,依次发育硅化、云英岩化、萤石化和碳酸盐化,由此确定蚀变分带:①内带为硅化蚀变岩相带,宽度在2~5 m之间,矿体硅化强度高,围岩也发育硅化,浅色矿物变多,暗色矿物减少,岩石变硬变脆,局部可见石英小细脉;②中带为云英岩化蚀变岩相带,宽度在5~10 m之间,云英岩化带发育在硅化带外侧,在矿体与围岩接触部位一般发育结晶粒度较大的云母片,其他部位的云母为细粒类型,包括锂云母、白云母、金云母、绢云母等;③外带为萤石-碳酸盐化蚀变岩相带,宽度一般在20~30 m之间,较大者可达100 m以上;萤石-碳酸盐化蚀变带距矿体较远,多数以细脉状或薄膜状填充在围岩裂隙中。通过对该矿床含矿构造变形岩相带三维空间分布特征的研究,建立起该区构造变形岩相成矿和找矿模型,为下一步地质勘查工作提供新的地质依据。
Abstract:The Weilasito Li-Sn polymetallic deposit has been discovered in Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia. The deep part of the deposit consists of greisen and amazonite altered quartz porphyry type ore with Sn, Zn, Rb, Nb and Ta. The middle part is composed of cryptoexplosive breccia cylinder type ore (mineralized spot) with Li and associated metallogenic elements such as Sn and Mo. The shallow part has the hydrothermal vein-type Sn, W, Zn, Cu, Mo and Ag ore. The polymetallic mineralization is controlled both by fractures and magmatic hydrothermal alteration. The measured profile of the mineralized fault alteration belt shows that the alteration zone is symmetrically distributed on both sides of the fault. From the fault center, silicification, greisenization, fluoritization and carbonatization are developed in sequence, thereby determining the alteration zones: ①The inner part is a silicified alteration facies zone with a width of 2~5 m. The orebodies and the surrounding rocks have been silicified. The light-colored minerals increase, the dark-colored minerals decrease, the rock becomes harder and more brittle, and small quartz veins are locally visible; ②The middle part is a greisenization altered facies zone, with a width of 5~10 m. The greisenization zone is developed outside the silicified zone, and larger mica granules are generally developed at the contact part of the orebody and surrounding rocks, other parts of the mica are of fine-grained types and consist of such rocks as lepidolite, muscovite, phlogopite and sericite; ③The outer part is a fluoritization-carbonatization altered facies zone, generally with the width of 20~30 m, and the larger one can reach more than 100m; the fluoritization-carbonatization alteration zone is far away from the orebody, and most of them fill the fissures of the surrounding rocks in the form of veins or films. Sometimes it is not easy to distinguish and divide them due to the superposition of other mineralization alterations. Through the study of the three-dimensional characteristics of ore-bearing tectono-deformation-lithofacies zone, a typical ore-prospecting model is established to provide geological basis for the exploration in this region.
表 1 成矿期次和成矿阶段划分
Table 1. Division of metallogenic periods and stages
成矿期次 岩浆晚期 热液期 表生期 成矿阶段 花岗斑岩型矿化阶段 石英+斜长石+锂云母+锡石+辉钼矿阶段 石英+锡石+闪锌矿+黑钨矿+辉钼矿阶段 石英+闪锌矿+黄铜矿+方铅矿等硫化物阶段 萤石+碳酸盐阶段 无矿化阶段 矿石构造 斑状构造 角砾状构造 热液交代构造 热液交代构造 热液交代构造 — 矿化组合 Sn-Zn Li2O-Rb2O-Sn-Mo Sn-Zn-WO3-Mo Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag F-CO2 — 矿物组合 锡石、闪锌矿、锡黝铜矿、黝铜矿、毒砂、钠长石、天河石、石英、黄玉、白云母 锂云母、锡石、辉钼矿、石英、斜长石 锡石、锡黝铜矿、圆柱锡矿、闪锌矿、黑钨矿、辉钼矿、毒砂、石英、白云母、绢云母、萤石 闪锌矿、黄铜矿、黝铜矿、方铅矿、毒砂、磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、辉铋矿、石英、白云母、绢云母、萤石 方解石、石英、萤石、白云母、绢云母 褐铁矿、高岭土、方解石 蚀变类型 钠长石化、黄玉化、硅化、天河石化 硅化、绢云母化、云英岩化、锂云母化 硅化、云英岩化 硅化、萤石化、云英岩化 萤石化、方解石化、绿泥石化、绿帘石化 褐铁矿化、高岭土化、伊利石化 表 2 构造变形岩相分带初步综合方案
Table 2. Preliminary comprehensive plan for the zoning of tectono-deformation-lithofacies belt
原岩类型 岩浆期后热液交代蚀变分带(自矿化中心向外) 黑云斜长片麻岩 硅化黑云斜长片麻岩 云英岩化黑云斜长片麻岩 萤石+碳酸盐化黑云斜长片麻岩 斜长角闪岩 硅化斜长角闪岩 云英岩化斜长角闪岩 萤石+碳酸盐化斜长角闪岩 石英闪长岩 硅化石英闪长岩 云英岩化石英闪长岩 萤石+碳酸盐化石英闪长岩 -
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