A discussion on a simple method for sequence delimitation of loose strata in complex sedimentary environment
Abstract:Quaternary loose strata play an important role in engineering construction and urban development.The complex sedimentary environment in some areas makes it difficult to divide and understand the stratigraphic sequence changes.With the help of limited dating data, the methodspreviously used can only reflect the situation near the sample points and is expensive.Taking the north of Zhengzhou Airport Area as an example, this paper discusses and improves a stratigraphic sequence delineation method, which is composed of a series of key division steps to focus on reflecting the formation genesis, lithological characteristics and sedimentary rotation changes of the strata, also including geological tectonic movement climate rotation changes and stratigraphic age information.The method was applied to the division of loose stratigraphic sequence in this area.This method can solve the existent problems very well.In addition, the delimitation results are in line with the evolution characteristics of geological environment in the working area.Some strata with obvious characteristics can be found in the adjacent areas and, in combination with other information indicators, the method can meet the accuracy requirements of stratigraphic sequence division in geological scale.
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