Orogenic peridotite and its significance
Abstract:Orogenic peridotite and peridotite of ophiolite are mainly composed of mantlerock.Orogenic peridotite represents the mantle beneath the continental crust, and peridotite of ophiolite represents the mantle beneath the oceanic crust.The mantle beneath the oceanic crust is generally close to the mantle beneath the continental crust in terms of material composition, but the tectonic setting is different.This paper briefly introduces the composition of orogenic peridotites, high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism related to orogenic peridotites, mantle fluids, mineralization, and mechanisms of orogenic peridotite emplacement, and also briefly introduces several possible orogenic peridotites in China such as the Songshugou peridotite in the Qinling Mountain, the Raobazhai rock mass in Anhui, several rock masses in the Yidun-type area in western Sichuan, Santai rock mass in western Yunnan, and Dadaoerji rock mass in Gansu.The evolution process of orogenic peridotite and its difference from ophiolite peridotite are discussed.It is pointed out that the difference between ophiolite and orogenic peridotite is not mainly in material composition and geochemistry, but in tectonic setting.Is there no abyssal sediment? Is it mixed up? Yes, it is peridotite of ophiolite; no, it is orogenic peridotite.Is there any UHP metamorphic effect? Is there mantle metasomatism or strong mantle metasomatism? Some are very strong and may be orogenic peridotites; no, they may be peridotites of ophiolite.Cold emplacement is peridotite of ophiolite, and thermal emplacement is orogenic peridotite.It is pointed out in this paper that the formation of orogenic peridotite has generally experienced two stages of tectonic evolution:the initial thinning of the continental crust, the rifting stage, and the late extruding orogenic belt.In some areas, only the rift stage is developed, and the tectonic evolution finished after the rift, also known as orogenic peridotites, such as Zabargad in the Red Sea, Ronda in Spain, Beni Bousera in Morocco, and Yidun peridotite in China.The peridotite of ophiolite appears in the orogenic belt, representing the ocean basin that has disappeared; the orogenic peridotite generally appears in the orogenic belt, but it represents the thinned and torn continental crust.It is necessary to study and demonstrate whether the peridotite that appears in the orogenic belt is ophiolite because their tectonic meanings are different.
Key words:
- orogenic peridotite /
- ophiolite /
- Alps /
- rift /
- ultrahigh pressure metamorphism /
- fluid /
- oceanic crust /
- continental crust
图 1 造山橄榄岩的全球分布[21]
Figure 1.
图 2 造山橄榄岩、蛇绿岩和深海橄榄岩组成[21]
Figure 2.
图 3 西地中海新生代构造演化示意图[68]
Figure 3.
图 4 西班牙Ronda岩体底部剖面图(展示了从岩体底部向下变质程度逐渐降低的变化[54]; a、b、c分别表示原作者详细研究部位,本文在此省略; 蓝色星号表示原作者取样位置)
Figure 4.
图 5 超镁铁岩-麻粒岩组合侵位模式[96]
Figure 5.
图 6 造山橄榄岩(义敦型岩体)形成模式之一:裂谷模式[5]
Figure 6.
图 7 造山橄榄岩形成模式之二:陆壳基底剥蚀抬升模式[5]
Figure 7.
图 8 中国北秦岭松树沟超镁铁质岩体地质略图[27]
Figure 8.
图 9 饶拨寨岩体地质图[113]
Figure 9.
图 10 四川白玉县擦哈柯地质草图[3]
Figure 10.
图 12 大道尔吉岩体地质示意图[122]
Figure 12.
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