The evaluation of ecosystem service value and its spatial change in the Yellow River Basin and suggestions from the ecological geology perspectives
黄河流域是中国重要的生态屏障,生态系统服务功能十分重要。基于ArcGIS、Google Earth Engine等平台,以黄河流经市域生成流域范围,对2000—2015年间黄河流域生态系统服务价值的变化进行评估,揭示生态系统服务功能的强弱及生态系统的稳定性状况,提出生态地质调查工作建议,为黄河流域国土空间优化、生态环境保护和高质量发展提供重要依据。评估结果表明,黄河流域生态系统服务以水文调节、气候调节、土壤保持调节服务为主,空间分布上呈"南高北低、上下游低、中游高"的空间特征。15年间,黄河流域生态系统总服务价值增长了33.4%,呈现"上游玉树-阿坝一带山区明显减少、中游黄土高原区显著增加、下游轻微降低"的空间格局特点,但总体上生态环境与经济发展处于低度协调状态,下游生态系统服务供给与需求之间存在空间不匹配问题。建议动态评估流域生态系统承载能力,聚焦关键过程、关键区域、关键要素,部署生态地质调查工作,提升生态系统服务价值,优化流域国土空间结构。
Abstract:Yellow River basin has significant ecological value for China, and hence the ecosystem service within the basin is very important. In this paper, the authors chose the municipalities through which the Yellow River is flowing as the study areas, assessed the value of ecosystem services in the basin, and detected the hotspot of the ecosystem services and resilience of the ecosystem. This is a fundamental issue for ecological environment protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. Based on ARCGIS software and Google Earth Engine platform, the authors quantitatively evaluated the changing value of ecosystem services in Yellow river basin and its spatial dynamics, then put forward several suggestions for eco-geological arrangement. The results show that the dominant ecosystem services in the Yellow River basin are hydrological regulation, climate regulation, and soil conservation. For the whole basin, the ecosystem services value in the Yellow River basin increased 33.4% from 2000 to 2015, within which that of the upper stream areas like Yushu-Aba mountain areas decreased significantly, that of the loess plateau increased significantly, and that of the lower river basin decreased slightly. The ecological environment and economic development have low coordination state. There is a spatial mismatch between the ecosystem services supply and demand in the lower river basin. To restore and maintain the ecosystem services and function in the Yellow River basin, the authors put forward several suggestions from the ecological geology perspectives: carrying out ecological geological survey, monitoring and evaluation based on earth system science theory; creating a systematic ecological geology survey institution for the whole basin; developing a system of survey, monitoring and management to achieve the "smart river basin"; evaluating the carrying capacity of the river basin through the time; focusing on critical process, focal regions, key factors and then deploying the ecological geologic survey. The authors' aim is to improve the ecosystem services value, and optimize the land use configuration of the whole river basin.
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