Characteristics of conventional and unconventional shale gas displays of the Cambrian strata in Yichang area, West Hubei, and their exploration significance
Abstract:The Cambrian strata in west Hubei have favorable hydrocarbon accumulation conditions, but it is difficult to obtain substantial breakthrough in exploration due to multiple tectonic movements and old strata.Recently, industrial gas flow was tested in the Cambrian Shuijingtuo Shale and a large quantity of natural gas was discovered in multiple formations, which represent an enormous potential gas resource in Yichang area.The proved and possible reserves of Cambrian formations include Shuijingtuo shale and Shilongdong-Tianheban carbonate, which represent the shale gas and conventional gas system respectively.Black rock series of the Shuijingtuo Formation has high hydrocarbon potential and shale gas content.Micropores in organic matter and microcracks in shale are reservoir space, which resulted in a self-generation and accumulation for shale gas.The test of Shuijingtuo shale revealed an industrial gas flow after horizontal well fracturing.Methane is the main constituent of gas sample with concentration exceeding 90%.Considering the well blowout with methane and formation water in the carbonates of the Tianheban strata, the carbonate reservoir must be semi-filled fracture and dissolved pores.The formation water is of magnesium chloride type and the storage conditions are medium.Sand-clastic dolomite of the Shilongdong Formation is characterized by large cumulative thickness, low porosity and low permeability with partly high reservoir property.The sedimentation of Cambrian strata in Yichang slope developed the gas play with organic shale of the Shuijingtuo Formation as the source rock, and the fractures inlimestone of Tianheban Formation and dissolved pore in dolomite of Shilongdong Formation serve as the main reservoirs.Gypsum dolomite and shale constitute the main cap rock of the conventional gas system.All this constitutes a vertical gas system.An analysis of the evolution history of oil and gas accumulation shows that the Cambrian source rocks began to generate oil in the early Silurian, generated gas in the Early Permian, and reached the gas peak in the Late Triassic.After undergoing transformation of multiple stages of tectonic movement, all the petroleum reservoirs have been converted into gaseous hydrocarbons.All this shows thatthe study areamight be the favorable area for shale gas accumulation in the Middle Yangtze region, and it is a new area for shale gas exploration outside the Sichuan Basin.The above understanding will play an important guiding role in the exploration of Cambrian shale gas and natural gas in west Hubei.
Key words:
- shale gas /
- natural gas /
- gas show /
- accumulation characteristics /
- Cambrian strata /
- Yichang area
表 1 宜昌地区寒武系天然气、页岩气显示
Table 1. Cambrian natural gas and shale gas showings in Yichang area
井名 类型 层位 含气性描述 宜页1井 页岩气 水井沱组 气测异常,全烃由0.123%上升到18.965%,甲烷由0.111%上升到14.143%;现场解析总含气量0.58~5.48 m3/t,平均2.05 m3/t,含气量大于2 m3/t的有35 m,其水力压裂井宜页1HF井(水平段1816 m)页岩气日产气量6.02×104m3 页岩气 岩家河组 气测录井0.6%~1.07%,现场解析总含气量0.80~1.38 m3/t,平均1.06 m3/t 阳页1井 页岩气 水井沱组 现场解析总含气量0.32~4.48 m3/t,平均2.3 m3/t;水平井阳页1HF井水力压裂获页岩气流,稳定产量7.83×104m3 常规气 天河板组 天河板钻遇裂缝性天然气,全烃最高66.89% 秭地1井 页岩气 水井沱组 现场解析总含气量0.234~1.047 m3/t,甲烷含量15.8%~92.57% 秭地2井 页岩气 水井沱组 气测录井全烃0.57%~14.5%;现场解析总含气量0.23~4.45 m3/t,平均2.15 m3/t;最优质30 m层段平均含气量2.88 m3/t 宜地2井 页岩气 水井沱组 现场解析总含气量0.17~5.58 m3/t,平均2.39 m3/t,总含气量大于2 m3/t厚46 m 常规气 天河板组 气测异常并发生井喷;全烃含量最高达9%;天河板组底部发生井喷,气液分离点火火焰高可达2~3 m高 常规气 覃家庙组 浸水实验有气泡,气测录井显示该段全烃有明显的上升 宜地3井 沥青 覃家庙组 沥青大量充填,见油侵染 宜地4井 页岩气 水井沱组 气测异常,全烃最高达11%;现场解析总含气量为0.5~3.13 m3/t,平均1.54 m3/t 沥青 石龙洞组 孔缝见沥青充填 宜昌龙王洞 沥青 中寒武统 页岩层间裂缝中充填沥青 -
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