Bioavailability and source analyses of Se-enriched soil in the south of Fangshan district, Beijing
Abstract:According to the detailed soil geological survey data in the south of Fangshan, Beijing, it is found that the total amount of soil selenium is consistent with the available Selenium in spatial distribution through the cumulative frequency classification of soil available Selenium.Further correlation analysis showed that the content of elements C, N, S, organic matter and heavy metal elements Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn in surface soil had a high correlation with the content of selenium in soil, and a low correlation with the content of element P and pH value.Through the relevant study on selenium in six crops, cash crops and vegetables planted in the study area and selenium content in corresponding root soil, it is found that wheat and maize had the strongest Selenium enrichment ability and were the alternative varieties to enhance the added value of agricultural products.The vertical distribution characteristics of total selenium in soil profile show that selenium belongs to surface accumulate type, and with the distance from the mountain front, the proportion of effective selenium is higher and the proportion of difficult to migrate is lower; Finally, combined with the comprehensive demonstration of geology, geotectonics and petrochemistry, it is concluded that the selenium elements in the selenium rich soil in the study area are mainly from the coal measures strata of Yangjiatun, and the main ways are Zhoukoudian River and Mapuiquan River, supplemented by Dashihe River.
Key words:
- Fangshan District of Beijing /
- selenium-rich soil /
- influencing factor /
- correlativity /
- source analysis
表 1 Se元素评价
Table 1. Evaluation table of Se
等级 标准 本次研究 [15] [16] [17] [18] 缺硒(缺乏) ≤0.1 — <0.125 <0.125 <0.125 少硒(边缘) 0.1~0.2 0.1~0.2 0.125~0.175 0.125~0.175 0.125~0.175 一般(适量) — — 0.175~0.25 0.175~0.40 0.175~0.40 足硒(较高) 0.2~0.4 0.2~0.4 0.25~0.4 — 0.40~0.60 富硒(高) >0.4 >0.4 0.4~3 >0.4~3.0 >0.6~3.0 过量硒(过剩) — — ≥3 >3.0 >3.0 注:“—”表示未提及,括号内为本次研究划分等级名称,单位为10-6 表 2 研究区Se元素在不同土壤类型中的分布特征
Table 2. Distribution characteristics of Se in different types of soil in the research region
土壤类型 计数
/10-6草甸沼泽土 193 0.064 0.652 0.177 0.182 潮褐土 124 0.077 0.512 0.186 0.209 冲积物脱潮土 26 0.081 0.885 0.233 0.246 复石灰性褐土 1256 0.028 1.033 0.204 0.224 洪积冲积物脱潮土 59 0.065 0.313 0.186 0.188 流动风沙土 17 0.077 0.465 0.139 0.16 硫酸盐盐潮土 406 0.086 0.362 0.191 0.191 壤质潮土 2004 0.035 0.866 0.155 0.175 砂质潮土 26 0.069 0.254 0.14 0.152 湿潮土 555 0.045 0.851 0.348 0.345 湿潮土型水稻土 777 0.047 1.56 0.314 0.302 粘质潮土 98 0.029 0.375 0.186 0.182 表 3 四种重金属元素之间的相关性
Table 3. Correlation table between four heavy metals
元素 Cu Pb Zn Cd Cu 1 Pb 0.614 1 Zn 0.687 0.646 1 Cd 0.540 0.630 0.567 1 表 4 研究区Se元素回归方程
Table 4. Regression equations of Se in the study area
参数 方程式 农作物
X:土壤有效Se含量y=0.0156x+0.017 小麦 203 0.631 y=0.0138x+0.0382 玉米 204 0.637 y=0.0109x+0.0593 柿子 28 0.821 y=0.0109x+0.0567 茄子 35 0.742 y = 0.0108x+0.0611 豆角 39 0.675 y = 0.0122x+0.0281 西红柿 26 0.796 Y:作物中Se元素含量
X:土壤有效Se含量y=0.0007x+0.0306 小麦 203 0.245 y=0.0019x+0.0068 玉米 204 0.306 y=-0.0317x+5.6349 柿子 28 0.084 y=-0.0594x+5.8785 茄子 35 0.15 y=0.0225x+5.5989 豆角 39 0.061 y=-0.0017x+5.0212 西红柿 26 0.006 Y:作物中Se元素含量
X:土壤Se全量y=0.0258x+0.0342 小麦 203 0.226 y=0.0993x+0.0109 玉米 204 0.343 y=-3.744x+6.0184 柿子 28 0.131 y = -6.0171x+6.3167 茄子 35 0.223 y = 2.4383x+5.391 豆角 39 0.106 y = -1.1066x+5.252 西红柿 26 0.061 注:土壤Se全量单位为10-6,有效Se含量单位为10-9,作物中Se含量中小麦和玉米单位为10-6,其余单位为10-9 表 5 不同作物Se含量及富硒系数
Table 5. Selenium content in different plants and enrichment coefficients
作物种类 样本
平均值/%小麦 203 5.27 49.31 18.90 19.32 玉米 204 2.42 155.33 12.65 16.04 柿子 28 0.38 9.91 2.25 2.42 茄子 35 0.42 5.25 2.18 2.36 豆角 39 1.03 8.12 2.78 3.02 西红柿 26 0.62 6.35 2.24 2.51 表 6 作物及根系土壤分类统计参数
Table 6. Statistical parameters for classification of crops and rhizospheric soils
作物种类 非富硒玉米 富硒玉米 非富硒小麦 富硒小麦 样品数/件 181 23 190 13 作物硒平均值/10-6 0.025 0.102 0.039 0.065 土壤硒全量平均值/10-6 0.222 0.316 0.232 0.316 根系土壤全量分类 ≥0.4×10-6 <0.4×10-6 样品数/件 13 7 20 4 168 16 170 9 比例/% 7.2 30.4 10.53 30.77 92.8 69.6 89.47 69.23 土壤有效Se平均值/10-9 13.69 17.74 13.90 17.92 根系土壤有效Se分类 ≥14.8×10-9 <14.8×10-9 样品数/件 70 17 69 9 111 6 121 4 比例/% 38.67 73.97 36.31 69.23 61.33 26.03 63.69 30.77 -
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