Geological significance of the discovery of Late Jurassic intermediate-acidic intrusive rock in Bogeda area of East Tianshan, Xinjiang, and its U-Pb zircon age
- 晚侏罗世 /
- LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄 /
- 中酸性侵入岩 /
- 博格达 /
- 新疆
Abstract:On the basis of 1:50000 regional geological survey in the Bogurda region of eastern Tianshan, the authors found monzonitic granite and diorite for the first time in Shijiezi and Caizigou area. Though U-Pb dating of monzonitic granite and diorite zircon by LA-ICP-MS technology, the authors obtained the fairly exact age data of 154.9±1.9 Ma and 152.7±1.8Ma, which suggest that the intrusion occurred in Late Jurassic. These are the first dating data for Mesozoic intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in Bogurda region. These data confirmed that the eastern part of Tianshan experienced magmatic activity in Late Jurassic. The results obtained by the authors provide new data for the event of the Mesozoic magmatism in the Junggar-Eastern Tianshan region, thus having great significance for studying tectonic magmatic evolution of the Eastern Tianshan region even the whole North Xinjiang.
Key words:
- Late Jurassic /
- LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age /
- intermediate-acid intrusive rocks /
- Bogurda /
- Xinjiang
表 1 二长花岗岩、闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Th-Pb同位素分析结果
Table 1. U -Th - Pb composition of zircon from the monzonitic granite and diorite determined by LA - ICP-MS
分析点 Pb Th U Th/U 同位素比值 同位素年龄/Ma 10-6 207pb/206pb ±lσ 207pb/235u ±lσ 206pb/238u ±lσ 208pb/232Th ±lσ 207pb/206pb ±lσ 207pb/235u ±lσ 206pb/238u ±lσ 二长花岗岩D1084-6 1 38.5 188 378 0.50 0.0500 0.0013 0.1691 0.0039 0.0245 0.0003 0.0079 0.0002 195 32 159 3 156 2 2 34.0 192 338 0.57 0.0511 0.0016 0.1709 0.0046 0.0243 0.0003 0.0078 0.0002 245 37 160 4 155 2 3 29.8 152 287 0.53 0.0490 0.0026 0.1669 0.0081 0.0247 0.0006 0.0090 0.0005 150 69 157 7 157 4 4 65.4 279 580 0.48 0.0478 0.0023 0.1625 0.0069 0.0247 0.0005 0.0095 0.0004 87 59 153 6 157 3 5 53.4 206 530 0.39 0.0515 0.0021 0.1714 0.0062 0.0241 0.0005 0.0078 0.0004 265 49 161 5 154 3 6 26.9 108 268 0.40 0.0496 0.0044 0.1685 0.0135 0.0246 0.0010 0.0092 0.0009 177 110 158 12 157 6 7 17.5 96 173 0.55 0.0491 0.0024 0.1665 0.0074 0.0246 0.0005 0.0082 0.0004 153 66 156 6 157 3 8 48.6 257 518 0.50 0.0537 0.0035 0.1703 0.0100 0.0230 0.0007 0.0095 0.0007 358 78 160 9 146 4 9 42.1 188 391 0.48 0.0542 0.0041 0.1730 0.0117 0.0231 0.0008 0.0082 0.0007 379 90 162 10 147 5 闪长岩D1096-2 1 19.4 87 202 0.43 0.0514 0.0035 0.1691 0.0103 0.0239 0.0007 0.0082 0.0006 259 84 159 9 152 5 2 25.4 120 267 0.45 0.0515 0.0023 0.1680 0.0068 0.0236 0.0005 0.0073 0.0005 265 55 158 6 151 3 3 28.2 111 284 0.39 0.0471 0.0022 0.1608 0.0066 0.0248 0.0005 0.0081 0.0004 53 55 151 6 158 3 4 33.3 222 338 0.66 0.0510 0.0022 0.1685 0.0064 0.0240 0.0005 0.0075 0.0003 240 52 158 6 153 3 5 37.7 218 381 0.57 0.0508 0.0032 0.1689 0.0095 0.0241 0.0007 0.0077 0.0005 231 78 158 8 154 4 6 41.2 238 427 0.56 0.0518 0.0019 0.1679 0.0054 0.0235 0.0004 0.0077 0.0003 276 43 158 5 150 3 7 57.8 303 637 0.48 0.0540 0.0027 0.1674 0.0076 0.0225 0.0005 0.0085 0.0005 369 60 157 7 143 3 8 43.4 253 437 0.58 0.0518 0.0020 0.1696 0.0059 0.0237 0.0004 0.0072 0.0003 277 47 159 5 151 3 9 50.1 171 447 0.38 0.0473 0.0026 0.1603 0.0080 0.0246 0.0006 0.0111 0.0007 65 66 151 7 156 4 10 54.9 174 543 0.32 0.0482 0.0024 0.1638 0.0073 0.0247 0.0006 0.0079 0.0006 107 62 154 6 157 4 11 25.8 92 233 0.39 0.0533 0.0050 0.1700 0.0144 0.0231 0.0010 0.0088 0.0010 341 115 159 12 147 6 12 57.9 353 582 0.61 0.0493 0.0014 0.1644 0.0042 0.0242 0.0003 0.0074 0.0002 160 35 155 4 154 2 13 19.3 71 192 0.37 0.0475 0.0033 0.1616 0.0101 0.0247 0.0007 0.0077 0.0007 73 85 152 9 157 5 14 53.5 303 551 0.55 0.0462 0.0017 0.1570 0.0053 0.0246 0.0004 0.0080 0.0003 10 41 148 5 157 3 15 25.8 176 261 0.67 0.0514 0.0027 0.1682 0.0081 0.0237 0.0006 0.0081 0.0005 257 66 158 7 151 4 16 41.0 132 355 0.37 0.0484 0.0029 0.1626 0.0088 0.0243 0.0007 0.0083 0.0006 121 75 153 8 155 4 17 40.4 209 416 0.50 0.0486 0.0019 0.1638 0.0057 0.0245 0.0004 0.0074 0.0003 126 50 154 5 156 3 18 33.2 155 319 0.49 0.0487 0.0019 0.1636 0.0056 0.0244 0.0004 0.0080 0.0003 131 49 154 5 155 3 19 32.7 174 343 0.51 0.0533 0.0044 0.1714 0.0127 0.0233 0.0009 0.0098 0.0010 343 101 161 11 149 6 20 54.2 183 587 0.31 0.0544 0.0022 0.1682 0.0061 0.0224 0.0004 0.0080 0.0004 387 47 158 5 143 3 21 41.1 299 427 0.70 0.0528 0.0020 0.1706 0.0058 0.0234 0.0004 0.0071 0.0003 321 45 160 5 149 3 22 29.7 162 295 0.55 0.0486 0.0016 0.1633 0.0047 0.0244 0.0004 0.0073 0.0003 127 41 154 4 155 2 23 23.6 93 236 0.40 0.0489 0.0018 0.1640 0.0055 0.0243 0.0004 0.0078 0.0004 144 48 154 5 155 3 -
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