Research on geological map compilation technology based on spatial data and geological knowledge
Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency of specific compilation of geological map and reduce human workload, it is necessary to develop a new method to update the previous geological maps compiled decades ago. After studying the information technology such as AI & BigData, the authors constructed the spatial-temporal model of generalization and the intelligent model of the geological annotation. Then a new technology was developed with which small scale geological maps can be converted to general scale geological maps in a big data environment through compilation. The technology for mapping is called iMapower. Practically, the geological features, such as sedimentary rocks, intrusive rocks, volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks and structures, can be processed intelligently, interactively, automatically with iMapower based on geological knowledge. The processing procedures include geological body merging, geoline simplification, fault generalization, feature representation, legends illustration, etc. In its application to several pilot areas such as eastern Qinghai Province, Luoyang area, Zhengzhou area and Jingjinji area, the efficiency is obviously improved. The iMapower is proved to be scientific and effective.
表 1 面状地质体要素内容
Table 1. Geological features of polygon
地质内容 描述 沉积岩 正常沉积地层单位 火山沉积地层单位 变质岩 变质地层单位 非正式地层单位 侵入岩 侵入岩年代单位 变质变形侵入体(变质深成侵入体) 次火山岩 侵入岩谱系单位 脉岩(依比例尺) 构造变形带 构造变形带构成单独实体,如碎裂岩、构造角砾岩等,能够在圈出边界 矿产 地质图中表示出的矿脉、矿化脉、矿层、含矿层等 被覆盖地质体 被水体、冰雪及其它所覆盖的部分地质体 表 2 面状地质体属性模型
Table 2. Fields of geological polygon feature
序号 要素类名称 地质体面实体 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 数据长度 1 地质体标识号 Feature_Id Character 20 2 地质体类型代码 Feature_Type Character 30 3 地质体名称 Geobody_Name Character 50 4 地质体主要岩石名称 Rock_Name Character 100 5 地质体岩石特征 Rock_Character Character 100 6 地质体时代 Geobody_Era Character 20 7 子类型标识 Subtype Integer 2 8 地质体重要程度标识 Sign Integer 2 表 3 地质演化知识表基本内容
Table 3. Contents of geological evolution knowledge
地质年代 地质体(目标图) 地质体(原图) 要素重要度 代号 名称 代号 名称 第四纪 Qhal 全新统冲积 Qhal 全新统冲积 0 …… …… …… …… …… …… 角度不整合 白垩纪 K1h 河口群 K@1H$8 河口群八组 1 K@1H$8 河口群八组 … … K@1H$8 河口群二组 K@1H$8 河口群一组 角度不整合 侏罗纪 δμJ 侏罗纪闪长玢岩 Jδμ 灰绿色闪长玢岩 0 γδJ 侏罗纪花岗闪长岩 Jγδ 灰白色花岗闪长岩 0 ηγJ 侏罗纪二长花岗岩 Jηγ 浅肉红色二长花岗岩 0 δοJ 侏罗纪石英闪长岩 Jδο 灰白色石英闪长岩 0 δJ 侏罗纪闪长岩 Jδ 暗灰色闪长岩 0 J2y 窑街组 J@2y 窑街组 1 …… …… …… …… …… …… 表 4 地质体属性内容与标注样式要求
Table 4. Required styles of annotation
序号 地质体代号字段内容 标注样式要求 1 δηJ2 δηJ2 2 λπJ2 λπJ2 3 Qp2pal Qp2pal 4 O2m O2m -
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