Formation age and its tectonic geomorphological significance of Qingyiji-ang River terraces in the southern of Longmenshan, Sichuan
Abstract:The earth's surface survey found that, across the south part of the Longmen Mountain, Qingyijiang River has incised can-yon along the upstream section, and terrace development is more complete along the downstream section. The chronological test of low terrace in Qingyijiang River was carried out by the method of OSL dating, and the formation age of low terrace was obtained. In combination with the systematic arrangement, comparison and analysis of the previous data and an analysis of the existing chronologi-cal data of the Qingyijiang River terrace, the authors found that the T1-T7 terrace in the middle and lower reaches of the Qingyi River was mainly formed at about 7.3~8.0ka, 40~50ka, 75~85ka, 129ka, 149ka, 270~300ka, 740ka. According to further inference from the results of the surface investigation, it is found that the present Qingyijiang River main channel already existed in the Middle Pleistocene and earlier. Therefore, the formation of the present Qingyijiang River resulted from the broken block tilting diversion or late river capture, which needs further research. In addition, the estimation of the age results of the geomorphic surface of the lower terrace of the Qingyijiang River shows that the crustal uplift rates of the Late Quaternary in different sections of the Qingyijiang River Valley in the south of Longmen Mountain are different. Since the Middle Pleistocene, the river incision rate of Lushan to Dagang-ding section has been significantly larger, which can probably be attributed to the geomorphic response of the Lushan seismogenic tec-tonics in the late Quaternary period.
表 1 现今青衣江主要阶地拔河高度
Table 1. Sampling data sheet of OSL samples in Qingyi River terrace
地点 河床海拔高度/m 阶地级数 拔河高度/m T2 11 芦山:栗子坪-禾林村 698 T5 55~60 T6 88~90 T7 200~220 T1 5 T2 15~16 芦山:毛家坝 667 T3 26~28 T4 35~39 T5 62~66 T6 88~90 T1 6~7 雅安:大岗顶 601 T2 13 T3 30~32 T4 56~60 T5 110 T1 5~7 雅安:大兴镇 543~544 T2 15~19 T3 40~42 T4 54~56 T1 6 T2 25 洪雅:阳坪 441~442 T3 60 T4 70 T5 95 T6 120~125 表 2 现今青衣江阶地OSL样品采集信息
Table 2. Age data of OSL sample in Qingyijiang river terrace
样品号 采样地貌部位 拔河高度/m 岩相特征 阶地类型 采样点坐标 SS0805-1 毛家坝上游T2阶地前缘中部 17~18 灰色泥质粉砂 基座阶地 102°52.8968′E、30°08.7853′N SS0805-5 毛家坝T1阶地上部 4.2 灰色含泥粉砂 堆积阶地 102°53.9659′E、30°09.1831′N SS0807-2 大兴镇T2阶地上部 13 浅灰色泥质粉砂 基座阶地 103°03.2885′E、30°00.5591′N SS0807-3 大兴镇T4阶地前缘斜坡 51 灰黄色泥质粉砂 基座阶地 103°02.6540′E、30°00.186′N SS0808-2 阳坪T1阶地上部 2 棕灰色中粗砂 堆积阶地 103°24.3170′E、29°52.9204′N SS0808-4 阳坪对岸540m台地 100 棕黄色中粗砂 基座阶地 103°21.2314′E、29°55.9858′N SS0812-1/2 联合村T1中部; 上部 1.8;2.4 黄色泥质粉砂 堆积阶地 103°24.0897′E、29°50.9070′N SS0813-2 双福镇T1阶地上部 2.3 棕色中砂与泥质粉砂互层 堆积阶地 103°34.5331′E、29°41.1107′N 表 3 已测样品DRAC年龄结果
Table 3. Sample DRAC age results
送样号 实验号 埋深/m 测量技术 等效剂量/Gy U/10-6 Th/10-6 K/% 实测含水量/% α系数 剂量率/(Gy·ka-1) 年龄/ka 备注 SS0805-1 20160101 1.6 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)5.08±0.62 2.77 13.6 2.148 11 0.04 4.186 1.2±0.2 SS0805-5 20160103 0.9 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)29.68±7.54 2.23 10.6 1.783 9.4 0.04 3.495 8.5±2.2 SS0807-2 20160105 0.8 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)167.64±20.30 2.28 11.5 1.837 6.7 0.04 3.754 44.7±5.6 SS0807-3 20160106 0.2 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)79.15±8.68 3.98 15.8 1.52 12.9 0.04 4.034 19.6±2.2 SS0808-2 20160108 1.2 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)31.20±3.74 2.22 9.22 2.028 6.4 0.04 3.697 8.4±1.0 SS0812-1 20160111 1 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)38.60±3.35 2.55 11.1 2.277 1.4 0.04 4.292 9.0±0.8 SS0812-2 20160112 0.4 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)33.98±3.48 2.77 12.5 2.316 7.7 0.04 4.418 7.7±0.8 SS0813-2 20160114 0.7 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)39.64±7.01 2.17 9.07 1.792 5.5 0.04 3.487 11.4±2 SS0808-4 20160110 细颗粒石英
OSL(SMAR)>100 饱和信号 表 4 前人对现今青衣江阶地年龄测试结果
Table 4. test results of the age of the Qing River in the present stage
地点 前人资料中阶地级数 拔河/m 海拔/m 测年方法 年龄/ka 资料来源 灵关 T1 6 14C;OSL 6.02±0, 02 [31] 芦山:思延乡 T3 85~96 OSL 73.08±9.73 [31] T4 131~153 ESR 163±26 芦山:栗子坪 T4 ESR 280 ① T5 ESR 740 T1 4.9~8.5 14C 5.91±0.03 T2 15~19 OSL 40.36±4.98;40.37±5.60 雅安 T3 48~60 OSL 93±10 [31] T4 88~92 ESR 185±19 T6 201~206 ESR 300±60 雅安:大兴场 T2 ESR 20±2 T3 ESR 85±5 [27] 洪雅 T1 OSL 6.03±0.73 [31] T2 OSL 51.36±7.35;48.20±6.34;
62.11±10.04;61.07±11.42T1 3 453 14C 5 T2 23 473 ESR 31±3 洪雅:阳坪 T3 75 525 ESR 93±10 [2, 8] T4 100 550 ESR 129±14 T5 125 575 ESR 149±15 T6 163 613 ESR 266±30 表 5 现今青衣江阶地形成时代估算
Table 5. The age estimation of the present Qingyi River Terrace
阶地级数 估算阶地形成年代/ka T1 7~9 T2 40~50 T3 75~85 T4 129 T5 149 T6 270~300 T7 740 -
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