Variation of lake water level recorded by grain sizes of sediments from Hetao Paleolake since 150ka
基于内蒙古河套盆地山前兵房沟湖相层剖面沉积物的粒度记录,结合14C和光释光年代学测试,对比分析沉积物粒度敏感粒级及频率曲线特征,反演了河套古大湖150ka以来的湖泊水位变化。研究结果表明,河套古大湖水位变化经历了4个阶段:① 初始形成阶段(150~130ka),河套古大湖处于浅湖环境,沉积物粒度由粗变细,湖泊处于水位上升期;② 发展阶段(130~54ka),早期湖水面较高,处于深水环境,晚期沉积物粒度逐渐变粗,湖泊水位有所下降;③ 萎缩阶段(54~18ka),湖泊水位快速下降,细粒沉积物含量减少,中粗粒沉积物含量增大,湖泊水位迅速下降;④ 消亡阶段(18ka至今),由于山前活动断裂影响,阴山快速隆升,湖泊急剧萎缩,湖相层顶部被山间冲洪积物覆盖。控制河套古大湖湖泊水位变化的主要因素是构造运动和气候环境突变。
Abstract:Based on size data of Bingfanggou lacustrine sedimentation section, which lies in Hetao basin piedmont, combined with chronologic test of 14C and OSL, the authors comparatively analyzed sediment particle size sensitivity and frequency curve characteris-tics, and made inversion of the lake water level change of Hetao Paleolake since 150ka.The result indicates that the lake water level change of Hetao Paleolake has gone through four stages:① Initial forming stage(150~130ka):Hetao Paleolake was in a shallow lake environment, sediment particle sizes were from coarse to fine, and the water level of the lake was in rising period; ② Developing stage (130~54ka):the lake surface was higher in deep water environment early, sediment particle sizes gradually became thicker and the lake surface declined; ③ Contraction stage (54~18ka):the lake water level dropped rapidly, the fine-grained sediments decreased, and the coarse-grained sediments increased; ④ Demise stage (18ka-now):due to the influence of active faults in piedmont, the Yinshan Mountain uplifted rapidly, the lake atrophied swiftly, the top of the lacustrine strata was covered by diluvial and alluvial materials be-tween the mountains.The main factors controlling the water level change of the paleolake seem to have been the tectonic movement and abrupt change of climate environment.
Key words:
- Hetao Paleolake /
- grain size /
- lake level /
- 14C /
表 1 兵房沟剖面AMS14C测试结果和校正
Table 1. Results of AMS14C dating and calibration of the Bingfanggou section
样品编号 BETA实验室编号 深度/m 测试材料 δ13C/‰ 测试年龄/a 校正年龄/a BFC-AMS-5 436741 4.25 钙质粘土 -24.2 17970±60 18270±60 BFC-AMS-28 436742 5.4 钙质粘土 -24.1 41470±530 41840±530 表 2 光释光测年样品测试结果及其参数
Table 2. Results of OSL dating and its parameters
原始编号 埋藏深度/m 含水率/% U/10-6 Th/10-6 K/% 剂量率/(Gy·ka-1) 等效剂量/Gy 年龄/ka BFG-OSL-1 7.82 6±3 3.36±0.02 4.41±0.03 2.06±0.03 3.22±0.10 272.11±5.55 84.61±3.21 BFG-OSL-2 8.69 6±3 1.79±0.01 2.34±0.03 1.73±0.02 2.34±0.08 210.53±5.99 89.82±4.08 BFG-OSL-3 10.38 10±5 6.60±0.10 5.54±0.05 1.97±0.02 4.73±0.36 494.62±17.12 104.61±8.65 BFG-OSL-4 13.89 6±3 1.79±0.02 2.33±0.04 1.71±0.01 2.67±0.13 406.25±12.51 152.09±8.76 -
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