Rb-Sr isotopic geochronology and geochemical characteristics of S and Pb isotopes of the Lulu Pb-Zn deposit in Luquan, Yunnan Province
Abstract:The Lulu Pb-Zn deposit is located on the western margin of Yangtze Block and is hosted in the dolostone of Cambrian Meishucun Formation. Ore minerals are mainly galena, sphalerite and pyrite, Gangue minerals are mainly quartz, calcite and barite. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sulfides are 0.7112~0.7115, indicating that the ore-forming materials were derived from basements. Rb-Sr isochron age of sphalerite is 223.5±2.9Ma, suggesting Late Indosinian to Early Yanshanian period. The δ34S ratios of S isotope of sulfides in the deposit range from 9.72‰ to 22.44‰. The δ34S values of S isotope of barite in the deposit range from 26.08‰ to 29.34‰. These data suggest that the reduced sulfur in the ore-forming fluids was the product of thermo-chemical sulfate reduction. The range of 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb are respectively from 18.259 to 18.342, from 15.608 to 15.639, and from 38.460 to 38.821. Pb isotope compositions lie in the region between the upper crust and the orogenic Pb area and fall into the field of basement rocks, which indicates that the crust source of ore-forming metals was mainly supplied by basement rocks. All the geological and geochemical information shows that the source of ore-forming metals and the fluid of the Lulu Pb-Zn deposit were the mixed products derived mainly from basement strata. The mineralization was caused by strong driving force of Indosinian movement, which prompted activation, migration, mixture and spatial emplacement of the ore-containing basement strata with ore-forming elements, thus forming industrial deposit.
表 1 噜鲁铅锌矿床硫化物Rb-Sr同位素组成
Table 1. Rb-Sr isotopic composition of sulfides from the Lulu Pb-Zn deposit
编号 矿物 Rb/10-6 Sr/10-6 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr LL-0-02 黄铁矿 0.1476 1.293 0.3205 0.712331±10 LL-0-04 黄铁矿 2.013 2.957 2.036 0.717113±8 LL-13 方铅矿 0.3405 0.9726 1.037 0.714388±9 LL-34 方铅矿 1.594 1.231 3.814 0.722339±11 LL-36 方铅矿 0.9152 0.2279 12.17 0.746457±8 表 2 噜鲁铅锌矿床硫同位素组成
Table 2. Sulfur isotopic composition of the Lulu Pb-Zn deposit
编号 测试矿物 δ34S/‰ 编号 测试矿物 δ34S/‰ LL-0-01 方铅矿 11.09 LL-27 黄铁矿 16.80 LL-0-02 方铅矿 10.86 LL-29 黄铁矿 13.78 LL-0-04 方铅矿 10.77 LL-32 黄铁矿 16.86 LL-12 方铅矿 11.63 LL-42 黄铁矿 22.44 LL-13 方铅矿 11.66 LL-45 黄铁矿 13.30 LL-16 方铅矿 12.10 LL-0-07 闪锌矿 14.22 LL-28 方铅矿 12.82 LL-32 闪锌矿 10.97 LL-32 方铅矿 11.08 LL-38 闪锌矿 18.76 LL-34 方铅矿 12.27 LL-0-10 闪锌矿 10.38 LL-36 方铅矿 11.01 LL-33 闪锌矿 13.18 LL-41 方铅矿 10.87 LL-0-08 闪锌矿 9.72 LL-42 方铅矿 10.32 LL-0-07 重晶石 27.02 LL-45 方铅矿 10.67 LL-34 重晶石 27.12 LL-01 黄铁矿 22.30 LL-0-08 重晶石 26.36 LL-12 黄铁矿 11.63 LL-0-04 重晶石 27.21 LL-13 黄铁矿 21.57 LL-12 重晶石 26.08 LL-14 黄铁矿 14.35 LL-0-10 重晶石 29.34 LL-14-1 黄铁矿 17.33 LL-13 重晶石 27.92 LL-16 黄铁矿 14.53 LL-16 重晶石 28.47 LL-17 黄铁矿 21.67 LL-14 重晶石 26.09 表 3 噜鲁铅锌矿床铅同位素组成
Table 3. The lead isotope composition of the Lulu Pb-Zn ore deposits
样号 矿物 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb 206Pb/207Pb μ ω Th/U LL-42 黄铁矿 18.342 15.629 38.543 1.174 9.530 37.600 3.820 LL-45 黄铁矿 18.339 15.626 38.532 1.174 9.520 37.540 3.820 LL-0-01 方铅矿 18.283 15.608 38.564 1.171 9.490 37.820 3.860 LL-0-02 方铅矿 18.298 15.615 38.557 1.172 9.510 37.770 3.840 LL-0-04 方铅矿 18.315 15.624 38.561 1.172 9.520 37.780 3.840 LL-13 方铅矿 18.329 15.617 38.545 1.174 9.510 37.570 3.820 LL-32 方铅矿 18.316 15.612 38.46 1.173 9.500 37.240 3.790 LL-34 方铅矿 18.291 15.627 38.558 1.171 9.530 37.930 3.850 LL-36 方铅矿 18.331 15.618 38.537 1.174 9.510 37.530 3.820 LL-41 方铅矿 18.326 15.632 38.535 1.172 9.540 37.690 3.820 LL-42 方铅矿 18.259 15.639 38.539 1.168 9.560 38.150 3.860 LL-45 方铅矿 18.262 15.636 38.548 1.168 9.550 38.140 3.870 表 4 噜鲁铅锌矿床铅同位素组成统计对比
Table 4. Statistics of Pb isotopic compositions of various rock units in the area
统计对象 样品个数 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb 会泽铅锌矿 95 18.251~18.530 15.439~15.855 38.487~39.433 天桥铅锌矿 33 18.378~18.601 15.519~15.811 38.666~39.571 栖霞~茅口组 2 18.189~18.759 15.609~16.522 38.493~38.542 黄龙组 2 15.656~16.675 18.136~18.167 38.204~38.236 摆佐组 8 18.120~18.673 15.500~16.091 38.235~39.685 大埔组 5 18.397~18.828 15.537~16.499 38.463~39.245 灯影组 10 18.198~18.517 15.699~15.987 38.547~39.271 昆阳群 27 17.781~20.993 15.582~15.985 37.178~40.483 会理群 6 18.094~18.615 15.630~15.827 38.274~38.932 峨眉山玄武岩 16 18.175~19.019 15.528~15.662 38.380~39.928 -
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