Seismic landslide hazard assessment of China and its impact on national territory spatial planning
- 地震滑坡 /
- 危险性评估 /
- 信息量模型 /
- Newmark位移模型 /
- 国土空间规划
Abstract:China is one of the countries with the most serious earthquake induced landslide disasters in the world. Considering geological structure, landform, stratigraphic lithology, river and ground motion parameters, and aiming at the seismic fortification level exceeding the probability of 10% in 50 years, the hazard assessment of seismic landslide based on information value and Newmark displacement model were carried out respectively. Based on the most unfavorable principle, a comprehensive zonation of the seismic landslide hazard reveals that in China, the high hazard areas of seismic landslides are concentrated in the boundaries of five active plate boundaries or geomorphic transition zones, such as the north-south tectonic belt, the periphery of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the periphery of Ordos, the Tianshan Mountain range and the Taiwan Mountain range. The analysis of the impact of seismic landslide hazard on cities in mountainous areas reveals that Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu and Taiwan, among the 34 provinces, are seriously affected, and 48 of the 370 major cities are severely affected, and 44 of them have active faults crossing. It is summarized that among the 9 national development priority zones, the national and provincial optimized development zones are generally suitable for urban development and construction; the 25 urban agglomeration and economic zone are relatively suitable for urban development and construction, but the central Yunnan, Chengdu-Chongqing, Lanzhou-Xining urban agglomerations and Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone are seriously affected by seismic landslide hazard. Among the 14 concentrated contiguous severe poverty areas, the western Yunnan border, Wumeng, Qinba and Liupan areas are seriously affected by seismic landslide hazard; the three deep poverty state areas, such as the Liangshan prefecture of Sichuan Province, Nujiang Prefecture of Yunnan Province and Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, are also seriously affected. It reminds us that these regions require special attention in geological disaster prevention and national territory spatial planning. The results can provide reference for urban development, land-use plan and detailed seismic landslide risk management in national scale.
表 1 中国重大地震滑坡灾害事件统计表
Table 1. Statistics of major seismic landslide cases in China
表 2 地震滑坡危险性评估因素说明
Table 2. Explanation of hazard assessment factors of seismic landslide
表 3 工程岩土体分组及物理力学参数
Table 3. Grouping and mechanical parameters of engineering rock and soil mass
表 4 地震滑坡影响因素区间的信息量值
Table 4. Information value of seismic landslide influencing factors
表 5 受地震滑坡危险影响严重的主要城市统计
Table 5. Statistics of major cities seriously affected by seismic landslide hazard
表 6 受地震滑坡危险影响严重的主体功能区域城市统计
Table 6. Statistics of cities in the main functional regions seriously affected by seismic landslide hazard
表 7 受地震滑坡危险影响严重的经济区与城市群统计
Table 7. Statistics of economic zones and city clusters seriously affected by seismic landslide hazard
表 8 受地震滑坡危险影响严重的集中连片特困地区统计
Table 8. Statistics of concentrated contiguous destitute areas seriously affected by seismic landslide hazard
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