Research on provenance using luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains: Progress and prospect
摘要: 应用石英释光灵敏度进行物源研究是释光技术发展的新方向。回顾了石英释光灵敏度在测年研究中的发展现状,对其产生的机制、实验中的影响因素及其在测年中对灵敏度的监测、矫正等进行了介绍,详细介绍了空间尺度上不同沉积物(冰碛物、风成沉积物、水成沉积物)石英释光灵敏度的差异和时间序列上风成沉积物释光灵敏度的变化特征。据现有的研究成果分析,沉积历史和母岩来源对沉积物中石英的释光灵敏度的高低有重要的影响,因此可用它来追溯石英的物源。探讨该技术在物源研究领域存在的问题,对其发展前景进行了展望。Abstract: The Thermoluminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) sensitivity of quartz grains is a new indicator to trace the provenance of deposits. Many achievements have been obtained. This paper focuses on the development of the luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains, describing the production mechanism, the influencing factors for TL and OSL sensitivity changes in the laboratory, and the ways to monitor and to correct the luminescence sensitivity changes. Then various luminescence sensitivity characteristics of quartz grains from different deposits (glacigenic sediments, eolian deposits, and aqueous sediments) in different regions are recounted in detail. Meanwhile, various temporal luminescence sensitivity characteristics are also described for the eolian deposits. The parent rock and sedimentary history play important roles in the quartz luminescence sensitivity in nature, and hence luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains can be used to infer the origin and provenance of deposits. The challenges and chances in applying such a technique in tracing are also analyzed.
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