The Shuiquangou-Hougou subalkalic intrusive complex body, situated in Chongli-Chicheng district in Hebei Province, is the only subalkalic-alkali intrusive complex body that is pregnant with many gold deposits in China. The distribution of the subalkalic intrusive complex body is controlled by the east-west trend Shangyi-Chongli-Chicheng deep fault. The rock of the subalkalic intrusive complex body is composed of mainly diorite, syenite, alkalisyenite, monzonite and quartzmonzonite.The studies on constant element, trace element, REE and lead isotope indicate that the subalkalic intrusive complex body is formed by deep crust-mantle migmatization. The gold deposits are closely related to the subalkalic intrusive complex body. Between east and west, the mineralization in subalkalic intrusive complex is different. In the west, the veins are chiefly quartz veins, quartz veinlets and network veins, the wall rocks are mainly syenite and quartz monzonite. In the east, the fine quartz network veins, altered kata-rocks, alkali-syenite and syenite are dominant. The gold deposits are under the control of the east-west and south-north trending secondary structures derived from the east-west trend Shangyi-ChongliChicheng deep fault. The ore bodies occur in the intersecting positions of two structures.